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  1. Otro de los pensadores importantes de la Ilustración fue Denis Diderot. No fue recordado por los sublevados de la Revolución Francesa de 1789, pero sí posteriormente gracias a Hegel y a Goethe. Tuvo un papel muy importante en la creación de la Enciclopedia y confraternizó con la mayoría de los intelectuales del Siglo de las Luces.

  2. 19 de jun. de 2019 · Denis Diderot. Because of his public leadership of the philosophe party in eighteenth-century France, Voltaire stands today as the iconic example of the French Enlightenment philosopher. Denis Diderot (1713–1784) is often seen as Voltaire’s second in that role since it was around both men that the Enlightenment philosophes rallied as a ...

  3. His ambitions were rewarded when Denis graduated with prizes in rhetoric and mathematics, an event that Diderot once described as his father’s proudest moment. While still under the tutelage of the Jesuits, Diderot contemplated an ecclesiastical career, a common method of Old Regime social uplift that would have provided him with a regular, salaried life in the manner dreamed for him by his ...

  4. 19 de jun. de 2019 · Denis Diderot. Because of his public leadership of the philosophe party in eighteenth-century France, Voltaire stands today as the iconic example of the French Enlightenment philosopher. Denis Diderot (1713–1784) is often seen as Voltaire’s second in that role since it was around both men that the Enlightenment philosophes rallied as a ...

  5. 27 de jul. de 2020 · A continuación podrás disfrutar de una selección de las 70 mejores frases de Denis Diderot, un filósofo excepcional que como ahora descubrirás poseía unas ideas personales realmente avanzadas para su época. 1. Aquellos que temen los hechos tratarán siempre de desacreditar a los buscadores de hechos. Solo conociendo la verdad, lograremos ...

  6. Denis Diderot [didró] (5. října 1713 Langres, Champagne – 31. července 1784 Paříž) byl francouzský osvícenecký spisovatel, svobodný zednář a filozof. Zabýval se mnoha obory – filozofií , estetikou , teologií , matematikou , fyzikou .

  7. His ambitions were rewarded when Denis graduated with prizes in rhetoric and mathematics, an event that Diderot once described as his father’s proudest moment. While still under the tutelage of the Jesuits, Diderot contemplated an ecclesiastical career, a common method of Old Regime social uplift that would have provided him with a regular, salaried life in the manner dreamed for him by his ...

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