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  1. Hermann Hesse. Many works, including Siddhartha (1922) and Steppenwolf (1927), of German-born Swiss writer Hermann Hesse concern the struggle of the individual to find wholeness and meaning in life; he won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1946. Other best-known works of this poet, novelist, and painter include The Glass Bead Game , which, also ...

  2. Hermann Hesse’s poetry has inspired a number of successful poets who were active after Hesse. Some of these include Rainer Maria Rilke, W.H. Auden, Robert Bly, and Anne Carson. Famous Poems. Hermann Hesse was responsible for the creation of a number of iconic works. Some of his most famous poems include: ‘A Swarm of Gnats‘

  3. Hermann Karl Hesse, född 2 juli 1877 [8] i Calw i Württemberg i Tyskland, död 9 augusti 1962 [8] i Montagnola i Schweiz, var en tyskfödd schweizisk författare. Hermann Hesses verk består av romaner, berättelser, betraktelser, dikter, sagor, politiska och litteratur- samt kulturkritiska skrifter, vilka har utkommit i hela världen på 70 olika språk i över 150 miljoner exemplar.

  4. Hermann Hesse (1877–1962) ist der meistgelesene deutschsprachige Autor des 20. Jahrhunderts. Seine Werke gehören zur Weltliteratur. Berühmt wurde Hesse durch Prosadichtungen wie »Siddharta« oder »Der Steppenwolf«; auch seine zahlreichen Aphorismen und Gedichtzyklen fanden ein breites Publikum. 1946 wurde dem Schriftsteller und Dichter der Nobelpreis für Literatur verliehen; 1955 ...

  5. 12 de nov. de 2018 · Hesse avoided Hans Giebenrath’s fate, but only barely. In March, 1892, he ran away from Maulbronn and was reported missing. He returned after just a day and, as Decker writes, truancy hardly ...

  6. The line of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel) was founded by William IV, surnamed the Wise, eldest son of Philip the Magnanimous. On his father's death in 1567, he received one half of Hesse, with Cassel as his capital; this formed the Landgraviate of Hesse-Kassel. Additions were made to it by inheritance from his brother's possessions.

  7. Resumen del libro «Siddhartha» de Hermann Hesse. «Siddhartha», novela de Hermann Hesse publicada en 1922, nos sumerge en un viaje de autodescubrimiento y espiritualidad. Ambientada en la India del tiempo de Buda, la historia sigue a Siddhartha, un joven brahmán, en su búsqueda de la verdad y el significado de la vida.