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  1. English. This article is a biography of Józef Alfred Potocki (1895-1968). From 1919 he worked in the Polish Ministry of Foreign affairs. In 1940 he was appointed Delegate of the Polish Red Cross in Lisbon, and in 1944 he became Minister Plenipotentiary of Poland in Spain. He maintained this position until he died in 1968.

  2. Alfred Józef Potocki (Łańcut, 29 luglio 1817 – Parigi, 18 maggio 1889) è stato un nobile e politico polacco Biografia. Era figlio del conte ...

  3. RM2JWGB54 – Alfred Józef Potocki (1822-1869), syn Alfreda Wojciecha i Józefy z Czartoryskich, II ordynat w Łańcucie. Głowacki, Jan Nepomucen (1802-1847), painter.

  4. Alfred Józef Potocki, född 29 juli 1817 eller 1822 i Łańcut, Galizien, död 18 maj 1889 i Paris, var en polsk greve (av ätten Potocki) och österrikisk politiker. Potocki var jordbruksminister 1867–70, ministerpresident april 1870 till februari 1871 och ståthållare i Galizien 1875–83.

  5. Alfred Józef Potocki (eigentlich Alfred II. Józef Marian Graf Potocki von Pilawa; * 29. Juli 1817 [1] oder 1822 [2] in Łańcut, Königreich Galizien, heute Polen; † 18. Mai 1889 in Paris) war ein polnischer Aristokrat und Ministerpräsident Cisleithaniens in Österreich-Ungarn. Alfred Józef Potocki.

  6. El Conde Alfred Józef Potocki fue un noble polaco , terrateniente, monárquico liberal-conservador austriaco y Primer Ministro.

  7. Count Alfred Józef Potocki was a Polish aristocrat (szlachcic), landowner, and a liberal-conservative monarchist Austrian politician and Prime Minister.