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  1. 32. Tibiadraptor is a tool aimed to help you keeping track of your achievements, bestiary, bosstiary and quests.

  2. Beastslayer Axe. Esta é a versão publicada, aprovada em 16 de maio de 2022. Beastslayer Axe. (Atk: 35, Def: 12 +1 ). It can only be wielded properly by players of level 30 or higher. Imbuement Slots: 2. Classification: 2. Max. Tier: 2.

  3. Pode ser encantado usando uma Small Ruby, transformando-se em um Full Helmet of the Ancients o que aumenta a sua defesa em 3 pontos por 30 minutos. Faz parte do Ancient Set . Recompensa da The Ancient Tombs Quest. Ao usar uma Small Ruby em um Helmet of the Ancients, você receberá o achievement "Hidden Powers". Jogadores.

  4. Osiągnięcia są to poboczne cele gry, możliwe do zdobycia głównie poprzez wykonywanie różnych zadań, a także innych czynności. Nie oddziaływają one na grę i jest to dodatek dla osób które pragną się oderwać od ciągłego polowania . Są 4 rodzaje osiągnięć: stopień 1, 1-3 pkt. stopień 2, 4-6 pkt. stopień 3, 7-9 pkt ...

  5. Categoria:Bestiários. De Tibia Wiki - A Enciclopédia do Tibia. Categoria englobando todas as criaturas que estão no Bestiário .

  6. They are very rare on this island but you can always find some at the fountain on the cliff at the southernmost part of the mountains across the bridge. Within the Tides Quest. Player: hi Nihaka: Greetings, two-leg. Player: mission Nihaka: Please, my friend, find a coral vow flower and catch a damselfly for me.

  7. - serwis o grze Tibia. Tibiopedia - podrecznik prawdziwego Tibijczyka. Rozrywka, a zarazem wiele cennych informacji.