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  1. Locations: Two locations: University and state library city centre (“Stadtmitte”) (Open 24h throughout 6 months) and “Lichtwiese”. A third location “Schloss” is expected to open in 2023.; Stock: 4,756,277 printed works, of which 2,429,314 are books and journals.; 54,677 current journals (52,737 of which are electronic), 550,800 e ...

  2. Die Technische Universität Darmstadt bietet für das Lehramt an beruflichen Schulen Abschlüsse im zweistufigen Bachelor-Master-System an. Im Master-Studium werden die Studien aus dem „Bachelor of Education“ weitergeführt und mit einem Fach (Unterrichtsfach) kombiniert.

  3. 1997年10月1日,达姆施塔特工业大学的德文名称 Technische Hochschule Darmstadt 正式更改为 Technische Universität Darmstadt 并一直沿用。2005年1月1日,TUD 法的正式颁布使得达姆施塔特工业大学成为德国第一个具有自治权的公立大学 [123] 。

  4. b) If you must submit an application form with documents by post, this is now generated. In this case, your application will only become binding when the printed application has been received by the Technische Universität Darmstadt within the application deadline. It is not sufficient here to submit the application online.

  5. Welcome to Technical University of Darmstadt! – You are enrolled at one of our partner universities and would like to spend one or two semesters abroad as an exchange or double degree student? At TU Darmstadt, one of the most renowned technical universities in Germany, you have come to the right place!

  6. Solar Decathlon 2007 Technische Universität Darmstadt. Team Web site: Germany's Newest Export Product "Made in Germany" is a phrase that applies well to the Solar Decathlon entry from the Technische Universitat Darmstadt, because the team wants to present the German way of building, showcasing German technologies and materials in their solar house, including German oak.

  7. La Technische Universität Darmstadt, (in italiano: Università tecnica di Darmstadt), anche TU Darmstadt, fu la prima universitá autonoma della Germania ed è un ateneo a Darmstadt, Germania. Con 25.100 studenti e 5.000 dipendenti è la quinta università dell' Assia .