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  1. Su antepasado fue el príncipe Iván Obolenski de la dinastía Rúrika, que vivió en el siglo XV. Recibió el apodo Dolgoruki por ser vengativo y por su habilidad de atrapar a sus enemigos de una forma u otra, donde quiera que se escondieran.

  2. Maria Dolgorukova (d. 1625), first wife of Michael I; Yuri Alexeyevich Dolgorukov (near 1610–1682), military leader known for victories during the Russo-Polish war, boyar (1648). Killed during the Moscow uprising of 1682. Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgorukov (1664–1707), Russian colonel, killed at the start of Bulavin Rebellion

  3. Daria Dolgorukova was from the Russian princely family of Dolgorukov. The father is considered Dmitriy Dolgorukov, who was a Tsar entourage. Daria's maternal aunt was Maria Miloslavskaya, the first wife of the Russian Tsar Alexis I.

  4. Origen y primeros años. Miguel era hijo del boyardo de origen cosaco Fiódor Nikítich Románov (convertido posteriormente en el Patriarca Filareto) y Ksenia Shestova (conocida posteriormente como “la gran monja”).

  5. Wikipedia tiene artículos sobre otras personas con el mismo nombre y apellido: Dolgorukova, Maria. Tsarina Maria Vladimirovna , nee Princess Dolgorukova ( 1608 [2] - 6 de enero ( 16 ), 1625 , Moscú ) - la primera esposa del zar Mikhail Fedorovich y la primera zarina rusa de la dinastía Romanov .

  6. Maria Vasilyevna Dolgorukova maid of honor of the court, daughter of Jägermeister Vasily Vasilyevich Dolgorukov and goddaughter of Empress Maria Feodorovna.

  7. Tsar Alexander had three children with Princess Dolgorukova, whom he moved into the Imperial Palace during Maria's final illness out of fear that she might become the target of assassins. The affair, in the face of the Tsarina's declining health, served to alienate the rest of his adult children, save their son Alexei and their daughter. [55]