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  1. En el este de Londres, en un área conocida como Hackney, una vez se encontraba la escuela para niños Newcome's School, fundada a principios del siglo XVIII. Esta institución era especialmente apreciada por las familias Whig de la época, que enviaban a sus hijos allí.

  2. He was sent home at the age of five to be educated at Newcome's School in Hackney before returning to the Far East. Career and death. Like his father, Addison became a public servant and by 1814 was Private Secretary to Sir Stamford Raffles. Whilst serving in Java, he succumbed to a fever and died on 14 January 1815 (aged 22–23).

  3. ACTED BY Young GENTLEMEN at Mr. NEWCOME'S School at HACKNEY, 1748; Spoken by Mr. J. Y. in the Character of FALSTAFF , Push'd in upon the Stage by Prince HENRY . By the Same .

  4. Priest in Charge Rev David Sheppard. The Vicarage, Church St., Buckden. PE19 5TL Telephone: 01480 819377. Mobile 07792128503. mai ...

  5. Hoadly's interest in this play forty years later is shown by a prologue which he wrote for a performance of the Siege, in its original form, at Dr. Newcome's School in 1764. There is among the Taylor papers (Add. MS. 37683), a copy of the original draft of the Siege , including the passages omitted or altered in the printed play.

  6. 31 de dic. de 2014 · "The Harmony of Le Clerc, which was the basis of Newcome's work, was published at Amsterdam in 1699, medium folio. That of Newcome was printed in Dublin in 1778, large folio."--Pref Prefaces in English "Table for finding any passage of the Gospels in the Harmony"--xiii-xviii Text in Greek with English summaries at chapter headings

  7. He was educated at Newcome’s School in Hackney and Westminster School, and then at Peterhouse College at the University of Cambridge. Grafton became MP for Boroughbridge, a pocket borough in 1756, though he was elevated to the House of Lords as the Duke of Grafton in 1757.