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  1. “It is fair to say things won’t go back to truly normal until we have a vaccine that we’ve gotten out to basically the entire world.” – Bill Gates

  2. But what if Goering was wrong? That was then. This is now. There are signs that the planetarian community of informed dissenters is rapidly growing in numbers. Today’s aspiring neo-technocratic, totalitarian transhumanists would do well to seriously ponder Rummy’s oft-cited admission of executive ignorance.

  3. 1 de oct. de 2016 · NEXIT: WHY NATO NEEDS TO EXIT. Guest Blog by Cecile Pineda [ Author of Apology to a Whale: Words to Mend a World, available from “An urgent re-framing of current ecological thinking, Apology To A Whale addresses what the intersection of relative linguistics and archeology reveals about the present world’s power relations, and what the extraordinary communication of plants ...

  4. Sen. Barbara Boxer is worried about the safety of the thousands of her constituents living within the potential fallout zone of PG&E’s out-of-seismic safety compliance Diablo Canyon nuclear reactors located over 13 intersecting earthquake faults in a tsunami zone…just like Fukushima.

  5. This multi-part series will survey and summarize independent information sources challenging the transnationally coordinated official Covid/ Reset narrative and examine the evidence that it is an on-going global technocratic coup attempt. Then we’ll look at the richness of resistance options and ecological, planetarian ‘reset’ scenarios.

  6. By James Heddle, Mary Beth Brangan, EON [Also posted on Substack.]. Penetrating the Cabinets “I have to say then I mention names like Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on they all have been Young Global Leaders of The World Economic Forum.

  7. Meanwhile, despite the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, militant white supremacy is on the march, encouraged by a racist sitting President. Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic Party presidential candidate – who helped legislate our present ‘incarceration nation’ into existence – is calling for even more police funding.