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  1. 24 de oct. de 2011 · A detailed look at the two women in the life of Edward VII during his last years. Alice Keppel, youngest daughter of a Scottish retired admiral and MP emerged from obscurity in 1898 to become the publicly acknowledged mistress of the portly, fun-loving Prince of Wales, the future Edward VII.

  2. 17 de jul. de 2014 · By the time they returned to Italy Alice was terminally ill with cirrhosis; she died at the age of 79 on September 11 th, 1947, and George followed her two months later. Famous harlots do not usually have interesting descendants, but Alice Keppel is an exception.

  3. › wiki › Alice_KeppelAlice Keppel - Wikipedia

    Alice Keppel, 1890. Lady Alice Frederica Edmonstone (coniugata Keppel) (Strathblane, 29 aprile 1868 – Bellosguardo, 11 settembre 1947) è stata una nobildonna scozzese, amante del re Edoardo VII (trisnonno di Carlo III) ed è la bisnonna della regina Camilla del Regno Unito, moglie dello stesso Carlo III.

  4. 25 de abr. de 2017 · Alice Keppel est en fait l’arrière-grand-mère maternelle de la duchesse de Cornouailles, mariée au prince de Galles. Elle est décédée en septembre 1947. Elle vivait alors avec son époux dans leur villa de Florence, ville où elle a été inhumée.

  5. Alice Keppel; Violet Trefusis (née Keppel) by Unknown photographer sepia vintage print, late 1890s NPG x75997

  6. Alice Keppel (born October 14, 1869, died November 22, 1947) was the most famous of the mistresses of King Edward VII. She was the great-grandmother of Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Alice Keppel's grandfather, a Lieutenant-Colonel John Whittle Parsons, had been the Governor of the Ionian Islands at a time when then were British.

  7. Alice Keppel, bien qu’elle soit controversée, était une femme brillante et sociale, dont l’énergie était contagieuse. Elle a accueilli les plus grands hommes politiques et aristocrates de l’époque, et entre tous les maîtresses de Bertie, elle était la plus publique. Alice est née en 1868 et élevé au château Duntreath à l’Ecosse.