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  1. Thomas est né en 1615 à la plantation de John Rolfe à Jamestown en Virginie. Après avoir grandi en Angleterre, il est revenu en Virginie en 1635 puis servit dans l'armée anglaise. Il décède vers 1680 . Son seul enfant, Jane Rolfe (née le 10 octobre 1650 ), provenant de son mariage avec Jane Poythress, a épousé le colonel Robert ...

  2. Thomas Rolfe era um americano meio nativo e meio inglês de Pocahontas, a primeira mulher nativa americana que se casou com um inglês, John Rolfe, um rico plantador. O nascimento de Thomas estabeleceu a paz entre o povo inglês e o povo Powhatan, e isso foi marcado como o início de uma nova linhagem, que agora tem sete gerações.

  3. Thomas Rolfe was a half-native American and half-English child of Pocahontas, the first Native American woman who married an English man, John Rolfe, a rich planter. Thomas’ birth established peace between the English and Powhatan people and this was marked as the beginning of a new bloodline, which is now seven generations old.

  4. › wiki › John_RolfeJohn Rolfe - Wikipedia

    Thomas Rolfe (1615–1680) Elizabeth Rolfe (1620–1635) John Rolfe ( c. 1585 – March 1622) was an English explorer, farmer and merchant. He is best known for being the husband of Pocahontas and the first settler in the colony of Virginia to successfully cultivate a tobacco crop for export. He played a crucial role in the Virginia Colony's ...

  5. After being baptized as a Christian and giving birth to her son, Pocahontas was married to John Rolfe. Pocahontas’ son was given the name Thomas Rolfe, and they told the public that it was his baby. However, Rolfe was just one of many captors who mistreated her on the boat, and there was no way to prove who the biological father actually was.

  6. 25 de sept. de 2018 · Pocahontas had a son, Thomas Rolfe, born in 1615, and on April 21, 1616, Rolfe and his family joined an expedition back to Britain to publicize the Virginia colony. In England, Pocahontas as the "Lady Rebecca" was received enthusiastically: among other events, she attended "The Vision of Delight," a royal court masque written by Ben Jonson for King James I and his wife Queen Anne.

  7. 16 de nov. de 2022 · Thomas Rolfe was born in either 1614 or 1615, depending on the source. In 1616, he went to England with his parents on a sort of propaganda tour to promote The Virginia Company and English settlement there. Just before they were supposed to leave England and return to Virginia, Pocahontas suddenly died. Thomas fell sick at the same time but ...