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  1. Starker was born in Budapest, the son of a tailor and a mother that had come to Hungary from Ukraine. None of his parents had a musical background, but his mother saved every penny to afford violin lessons for János’ brother.

  2. 28 de abr. de 2013 · Ha fallecido János Starker (Budapest, 1924), violonchelista estadounidense de origen húngaro que se convertió en uno de los grandes intérpretes de este instrumento en el siglo XX, además de ...

  3. 28 de abr. de 2017 · Starker János 1924. július 5-én született Budapesten, és 2013. április 28-án, életének 88. évében, Bloomingtonban hunyt el Starker János gordonkaművész. Starker gordonkahangja olyan, mint a messziről jött emberé, a vándoré, akinek van miről mesélnie, s szívesen is mesél.

  4. 27 de jun. de 2020 · Starker holds this rank to date as he continues his cello class at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music. Janos Starker was born on July 5, 1924 in Budapest, Hungary. Starker’s first cello teacher was Fritz Teller. After a few months, his parents decided to take him to Teller’s teacher Adolph Schiffer; Schiffer had been David Popper ...

  5. 29 de abr. de 2013 · János Starker was born in Budapest on July 8 1924, the son of a Polish-Jewish tailor named Sándor and his Ukrainian wife, Margit. János, who was named after the hospital where he was delivered ...

  6. Cellist János Starker (1924-2013) - Classical Music. Remembering the great Hungarian cellist János Starker, famed for - among other things - a revelatory Dvořák Cello Concerto.

  7. 30 de abr. de 2013 · János Starker. The world of music mourns the passing of János Starker on Sunday, at age 88, in his Bloomington, Indiana, home. (He usually kept the diacritic I dropped from my name.) While celebrated in concert halls everywhere, Starker, the son of a Hungarian Jewish tailor, remained at Indiana University from 1958 on, a loyal and beloved ...