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  1. 25 de mar. de 2019 · This article examines the meaning of monuments in Italy and the United States (Chicago) dedicated to the Fascist gerarch Italo Balbo. A hugely popular personality in Fascist Italy, Balbo cemented his reputation in the early 1930s as the commander of mass-formation transatlantic flights to Brazil (1930-1931) and the United States (1933).

  2. Il 6 novembre del 1926 Italo Balbo veniva nominato sottosegretario dell'Aeronautica. Il giorno prima il generale Bonzani aveva ricevuto una cordiale lettera di benservito dal Duce. Il 1926 era stato l'anno in cui Mussolini aveva conquistato definitivamente lo Stato, sapendo approfittare astutamente del delitto Matteotti, favorito dalla pochezza dell'opposizione aventiniana.

  3. Italo Balbo. Fue un general y aviador italiano. Realizó sus estudios en la Universidad de Florencia y posteriormente en el Instituto de Ciencias Sociales de Roma.Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial participó en el conflicto como oficial del ejército de tierra italiano en la campaña de los Alpes contra el ejército austro-húngaro, obtuvo por méritos propios el grado de capitán y logró ...

  4. 10 de ene. de 2023 · Italo Balbo was born on June 6, 1896 in Quartesana (Ferrara), Italy. He was politically active from a young age, going so far as to attempt to join an Albanian revolt during his teens. In 1914, he met Benito Mussolini, a fellow journalist, and the pair quickly hit it off. They both wanted Italy to side with the Allies in the growing war between ...

  5. › en › historical-figureItalo Balbo - Histouring

    Italo Balbo. Italo Balbo was born in Quartesana (Ferrara) on 6 June 1896. He was a squadrist, aviator, hierarch, one of the most capable and prestigious figures of fascist Italy. He died June 28, 1940 under the 'friendly fire' of his own anti-aircraft in the skies of Tobruk, Libya. His military career began as a volunteer in the first world war ...

  6. 28 de abr. de 2023 · Pioneering aviator, blackshirt leader, colonial governor, confidante and heir-apparent to Benito Mussolini, the dashing and charismatic Italo Balbo exemplified the ideals of Fascist Italy during the 1920s and 30s. He earned national notoriety after World War I as a ruthless squadrista whose blackshirt forces crushed socialist and trade union organizations. As Minister of Aviation from 1926 to ...

  7. Italo Balbo (bal oldalon) Mussolinivel közösen 1923-ban. 1924 -ben ő lett az egyesített és megszervezett fasiszta milícia, az MVSN főparancsnoka, majd 1925 -ben a nemzetgazdasági minisztérium altitkárává nevezték ki.