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  1. Ta članek o vojaški osebnosti je škrbina . Pomagajte Wikipediji in ga razširite .

  2. Nicolas Catinat (1. september 1637–22. februar 1712) var ein fransk offiser og marskalk av Frankrike under Ludvig XIV. Han gjekk inn i den franske garden i ung alder og utmerkte seg i omleiringa av Lille i 1667.

  3. 11 de abr. de 2020 · Nicolas Catinat fu uno dei più grandi strateghi militari del XVII secolo, noto per la meticolosità con cui studiava i movimenti delle truppe e per la tecnica d’assalto alla baionetta (l’utilizzo di un’arma da taglio montata sulla canna del fucile che consentiva di attaccare il nemico a distanza ravvicinata), ma anche per la spietatezza con cui condusse le sue campagne, seminando ...

  4. Catinat died at Saint-Gratien in 1712. His memoirs were published in 1819. The British historian Geoffrey Treasure sums up Catinat: Catinat was not the typical soldier of this period. He had begun life as a lawyer, with no advantage of birth, and made his way by sheer merit.

  5. The Battle of Marsaglia was a battle in the Nine Years' War, fought in Italy on 4 October 1693, between the French army of Marshal Nicolas Catinat and the army of the Grand Alliance under Duke Victor Amadeus II of Savoy . Catinat, advancing from Fenestrelle and Susa to the relief Pinerolo, defended by the count of Tessé and which the duke of Savoy was besieging, took up a position in formal ...

  6. See also Nicolas Catinat on Wikipedia; and our 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica disclaimer . CATINAT, NICOLAS (1637–1712), marshal of France, entered the Gardes Françaises at an early age and distinguished himself at the siege of Lille in 1667. He became a brigadier ten years later, maréchal de camp in 1680, and lieutenant-general 1688.

  7. François de Neufville de Villeroy, II duque de Villeroy (1685) ( Lyon, 7 de abril de 1644 - París, 18 de julio de 1730) fue un mariscal y aristócrata francés al servicio de Luis XIV durante la Guerra de Sucesión Española. Fue nombrado comandante en jefe del ejército francés en el frente italiano tras la destitución de Nicolas Catinat .