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  1. 26 de jun. de 2024 · The Abbasids' age of cultural revival and fruition ended in 1258 with the sack of Baghdad by the Mongols under Hulagu Khan and the execution of al-Musta'sim. The Abbasid line of rulers, and Muslim culture in general, re-centred themselves in the Mamluk capital of Cairo in 1261.

  2. Hace 6 días · Historia Antigua. Wāsiṭ fue fundada durante el califato islámico en el siglo VII d.C., específicamente en el año 702, por el califa al-Walid I de la dinastía omeya. El nombre de la ciudad, «Wāsiṭ», en árabe significa «centro» o «intermedio», reflejando su ubicación estratégica entre Bagdad y Basora. Durante este período, la ...

  3. 23 de jun. de 2024 · Capital, Population, Government... By far the most important figure in the revival of independent caliphal authority in Arabian Iraq and the surrounding area—after more than 200 years of secular military domination, first under the Buyids and then the Seljuqs—was the caliph al-Nāṣir (1180–1225).

  4. 24 de jun. de 2024 · hajj, in Islam, the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, which every adult Muslim must make at least once in his or her lifetime. The hajj is the fifth of the fundamental Muslim practices and institutions known as the Five Pillars of Islam.

  5. 22 de jun. de 2024 · Explore the clothing of Prophet Muhammad, detailing types, colors and their significance in Islamic tradition and his modest lifestyle.

  6. 22 de jun. de 2024 · As hordas de Hulagu chegam a Bagdad. Uma explicação corrente para o fim da Idade de Ouro é a destruição de Bagdad e a extinção do Califado Abássida pelos exércitos mongóis.

  7. Hace 6 días · Falak-ol-Aflak castle is amongst the most important structures built during the Sassanid era. It has been known by a number of names since it was built over 1800 years ago. Recorded names have referred to it as Shapur-Khast or Sabr-Khast fortress, Dezbaz, Khoramabad castle, and ultimately the Falak-ol-Aflak Castle.

  1. Búsquedas relacionadas con Hulagu

    Hulagu khan