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  1. 23 de mar. de 2024 · Hungarian artist Philip de László (1869–1937) was one of the most famous portrait painters in Europe when he settled in England in 1907. By the time of his death thirty years later, he was recognised as one of the world’s foremost portraitists – an artist who was able to depict any sitter, from society beauties to children, monarchs and soldiers, with brilliance and verve.

  2. 15 de may. de 2024 · 1915, painting by Philip Alexius de László (1869–1937) De László was already one of the most famous painters in Europe when he decided to settle in London in 1907. His relentless energy, charisma and pursuit of perfection in his art saw his circle of patronage widen from Budapest, the city of his birth, via the princely houses of Europe ...

  3. 12 de may. de 2024 · In 1908, de László painted portraits of President and Mrs Theodore Roosvelt at the White House in Washington DC. This would be the first of five visits to the United States of America over his lifetime and he would go on to paint portraits of three further US Presidents: Warren Harding (1921), Calivin Coolidge (1926) and Herbert Hoover (1931).

  4. Philip Alexius de László (1869-1937), Portrait painter. Sitter in 7 portraits Artist associated with 21 portraits Born in Hungary, de László studied in Budapest, Paris and Munich before receiving his first significant commission from the Bulgarian royal family in 1894.

  5. Philip de László (1869 – 1937) Philip Alexius de László nació en Budapest, Hungría, el 30 de abril de 1869. Sus inicios en el arte fueron como aprendiz en el estudio de un fotógrafo húngaro. Posteriormente ingresó en la Academia Nacional de Budapest, en la que tuvo como maestros a Bertalan Székely y Károly Lotz.

  6. Philip de Laszlo was born in Budapest in 1869, he studied at Bertalan Székely and Károly Lotz in Budapest, then went to Munich. He lived in Budapest and Vienna until 1907, when he finally moved to London. He became a British citizen in 1914. De Laszlo died in London in 1937. He made a great reputation as a painter of the aristocracy and ...

  7. 26 de sept. de 2023 · Philip de László specialised at first in historical images, but he soon earned a commission to paint a portrait of a prominent Hungarian lawyer. In 1894, he was asked to paint the Bulgarian royal family by a friend who, luckily for Philip, was the Secretary of Fine Arts in Hungary’s Ministry of Education.