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  1. Paul Cézanne. Francia, 1839–1906. Postimpresionismo. Paul Cézanne es el padre de la pintura moderna, puente entre el siglo XIX y las nuevas propuestas del XX. Pero en vida Cézanne fue un pintor ignorado. Arisco y misántropo, apenas expuso y no confió jamás en el mundo del arte. Sólo tendría la admiración de algunos de sus más ...

  2. Biography. Paul Cezanne was born in Aix-en-Provence on January 19, 1839, the first child of a prosperous hatter, Louis-Auguste Cezanne, who later became a banker. Paul, as the only son, had his career path chosen for him by his father, who decided that the young man should become a lawyer and prepare to manage the nascent family fortune.

  3. ポール・セザンヌ ( Paul Cézanne, 1839年 1月19日 - 1906年 10月23日 (墓碑には 10月22日 と記されているが,近年は23日説が有力 [注釈 1] ))は、 フランス の 画家 。. 当初は クロード・モネ や ピエール=オーギュスト・ルノワール らとともに 印象派 のグループ ...

  4. Cézanne was born in Provence and spent most of his life there. He never tired of painting its sun-baked landscape. Cézanne moved to Paris in the early 1860s and associated with advanced artists such as Edouard Manet and the young impressionists. His own early works, however, were very different from theirs.

  5. Paul Cézanne. Paul Cézanne, nado en Aix-en-Provence o 19 de xaneiro de 1839 e finado na mesma cidade o 22 de outubro de 1906, foi un pintor francés, considerado o pai da arte moderna. Tentou conseguir unha síntese ideal da representación naturalista, a expresión persoal e a orde pictórica abstracta . Entre todos os artistas do seu tempo ...

  6. Foto Paul Cézannes auf dem Weg zum Motiv bei Auvers, um 1874. Am 31. Mai 1870 war Cézanne Trauzeuge auf Zolas Hochzeit in Paris. Cézanne und Hortense Fiquet lebten während des Deutsch-Französischen Krieges im Fischerdorf L’Estaque bei Marseille, das Cézanne später häufig aufsuchen und malen sollte, da ihn die mediterrane Atmosphäre des Ortes faszinierte.

  7. In 1872, Cézanne returned to Paris, where his son Paul was born. His mistress, Hortense Fiquet, would finally become Madame Cézanne in 1886, notably just following the artist's father's death. Cézanne painted over forty portraits of his companion, as well as several enigmatic portraits of their son.

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