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  1. Entrevista a Alexander Kojève. Era sobrino de Kandinsky, especialista en Hegel y en textos sánscritos, libertino y ex víctima de la policía secreta leninista. Entre 1933 y 1939 dictó un seminario al que iban Breton, Lacan, Bataille, Merleau-Ponty, Aron, Caillois y Klossowski. Cuando murió, en 1968, Lacan irrumpe en el domicilio del ...

  2. El nombre de Alexandre Kojève no ha dejado de ser un foco de atracción para el imaginario filosófico y político contemporáneo. Su Introducción a la lectura de Hegel (Trotta, 2013), fruto del mítico seminario impartido entre 1933 y 1939 ante la intelectualidad francesa, hizo época con nociones como la de lucha por el reconocimiento o la del final de la historia.

  3. 21 de sept. de 2023 · This article examines Alexandre Kojève’s attempts to differentiate between philosophy and wisdom; he thought of the two, particularly later on in his career, but also earlier, as distinctly non-identical. I trace Kojève’s transition from philosophy to practice in the corridors of power, motivated by his quest for wisdom, by outlining in ...

  4. Alexandre Kojève ( Александр Владимирович Кожевников, Aleksandr Vladimirovič Koževnikov ) (April 28, 1902 – June 4, 1968) was a Marxist and Hegelian political philosopher, who had a substantial influence on Twentieth-Century French Philosophy. His lectures were attended by virtually every prominent French ...

  5. 17 de ago. de 2023 · Alexandre Kojève’s well-known criticism of the Soviet Union appears in the “Note to the Second Edition” of the Hegel lectures that also introduced his idea of an End of History. Written in 1959, after a “recent voyage to Japan,” Kojève’s two footnotes explore a “post-historical” state of civilization.

  6. Kojève lived extravagantly in the late 1920s due to prudent investments, but the crash of 1929 ruined him, and he cast about for work for almost three years until he took over Alexandre Koyré’s seminar on the religious philosophy of Hegel in 1933 at the École de hautes études.

  7. The difference, 16 fGaelan Murphy, “Alexandre Kojève: Cosmopolitanism at the End of History,” in Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Globalization: Citizens Without States¸ ed. Lee Trepanier and Khalil M. Habib, (University of Kentucky Press, 2011). however, is Kojève‟s substitution of a posteori dialectical reasoning for Kant‟s a priori ...