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  1. Cotton Mather era un clérigo puritano en Massachusetts conocido por sus estudios científicos y obras literarias, así como por el papel periférico que desempeñó en los juicios de brujería en Salem . Fue una figura muy influyente a principios de América. como una mente científica líder de su día, Mather fue uno de los dos […]

  2. Cotton Mather ( Boston, 12 de fevereiro de 1663 — Boston, 13 de fevereiro de 1728) foi um ministro protestante puritano de grande influência social e política na Nova Inglaterra, no nordeste da América Britânica, hoje parte dos Estados Unidos. Doutor Honoris Causa da Universidade de Glasgow, foi um autor prolífico e panfletário, muitas ...

  3. 科頓·馬瑟(英語: Cotton Mather ; / ˈ m æ ð ər / FRS ,1663年2月12日—1728年2月13日)是美洲 新英格蘭地區的一位清教徒牧師、多產作家、 小冊子作家 ( 英语 : pamphleteer ) 與意見領袖,他於1681年取得哈佛學院 文學碩士學位,1710年取得格拉斯哥大學榮譽博士學位。

  4. Cotton Mather outlived his father by only five years, dying on February 13, 1728, in Boston. Later American writers, Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803–1882), Henry Thoreau (1817–1862), Harriet Beecher Stowe (1811–1896), James Russell Lowell (1819–1891), Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804–1864), and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807–1882) all acknowledged their debt to him.

  5. Cotton Mather se distingua très vite par sa précocité et obtint sa licence (B.A.) de l'université d'Harvard à l'âge de 15 ans, en 1678. Après sa maîtrise (M.A.), il rejoignit son père à la North Church de Boston comme pasteur assistant. Il ne devint pasteur en titre qu'à la mort de son père en 1723.

  6. Cotton Mather, the minister of Boston's Old North church, was a true believer in witchcraft. In 1688, he had investigated the strange behavior of four children of a Boston mason named John Goodwin. The children had been complaining of sudden pains and crying out together in chorus. He concluded that witchcraft, specifically that practiced by an ...

  7. 1 de feb. de 2019 · In 1706, an enslaved West African man was purchased for the prominent Puritan minister Cotton Mather by his congregation. Mather gave him the name Onesimus, after an enslaved man in the Bible ...