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  1. The presidency of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, also known as the Arroyo administration, spanned nine years from January 20, 2001, to June 30, 2010. She served the remainder of her predecessor Joseph Estrada 's term after he was deposed, and she was elected to a full second term in 2004 which ended in 2010. Arroyo is the daughter of 9th president ...

  2. Presidency of Gerald Ford. Gerald Ford 's tenure as the 38th president of the United States began on August 9, 1974, upon the resignation of president Richard Nixon, and ended on January 20, 1977. Ford, a Republican from Michigan, had been appointed vice president since December 6, 1973, following the resignation of Spiro Agnew from that office.

  3. La présidence de Bill Clinton débute le 20 janvier 1993, date de l'investiture de Bill Clinton en tant que 42 e président des États-Unis, et prend fin le 20 janvier 2001. Membre du Parti démocrate , Clinton entre en fonction après avoir remporté l' élection présidentielle de 1992 face au président sortant George H. W. Bush et au milliardaire Ross Perot .

  4. April. President Bill Clinton and French President Jacques Chirac at the Élysée Palace, Paris, France, June 17, 1999. Bill Clinton's Remarks Regarding Columbine HS Shooting April 20, 1999. April 20 – President Clinton addressed the nation about the Columbine High School massacre.

  5. Clinton's first governorship (1979–1981) saw him pursue many liberal policies. He had some successes, including successes with a rural healthcare reform effort by a taskforce that he had appointed his wife, Hillary, to lead. However, his term also saw the implementation of an unpopular motor vehicle tax.

  6. La presidencia de Bill Clinton como el 42.º presidente de los Estados Unidos comenzó con su primer toma de posesión el 20 de enero de 1993 y finalizó el 20 de enero de 2001. [1] Clinton, un demócrata de Arkansas, asumió el cargo luego de una victoria electoral decisiva sobre el entonces presidente republicano George HW Bush y el empresario independiente Ross Perot en 1992 .

  7. January 20 – President Clinton completed his two terms in office and left the White House for the final time as Commander-in-chief. [15] January 20 – George W. Bush was inaugurated as the 43rd president of the United States, at noon EST. Bill Clinton, now the former president, returned to Chappaqua to begin his post-presidency.