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  1. Monasterio de San Isidoro del Campo, Sevilla, uno de los principales focos de la Reforma protestante en España. La historia de la Reforma protestante en España se remonta al siglo XVI, cuando varios creyentes españoles se sintieron plenamente de acuerdo con los planteamientos de la Reforma protestante iniciada por Martín Lutero en Alemania.

  2. According to one source, Protestants constituted respectively 2.5% of South Americans, 2% of Africans, and 0.5% of Asians in 1900. [8] In 2000, these percentages had increased to 17%, more than 27%, and 5.5%, respectively. [8] According to Mark A. Noll, 79% of Anglicans lived in the United Kingdom in 1910, while most of the remainder were found ...

  3. Protestantism (part of Christianity) is the largest religious demographic in the United Kingdom . Before Protestantism reached England, the Roman Catholic Church was the established state church. Scotland, Wales and Ireland were also closely tied to Roman Catholicism. During the 16th century, the English Reformation and the Scottish Reformation ...

  4. Protestantisme, også kaldt den protestantiske kirke, er en af de tre hovedretninger inden for kristendommen. De to andre er den romersk-katolske kirke og den græsk-katolske kirke. Protestantismen opstod med reformationen i 1500-tallet som en reaktion mod den romersk-katolske kirke. Den bygger i hovedsagen på Martin Luthers (1483-1546) tanker.

  5. Protestantism is the largest grouping of Christians in the United States, with its combined denominations collectively comprising about 43% of the country's population (or 141 million people) in 2019. [1] Other estimates suggest that 48.5% of the U.S. population (or 157 million people) is Protestant. [2]

  6. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (German: Die protestantische Ethik und der Geist des Kapitalismus) is a book written by Max Weber, a German sociologist, economist, and politician. It began as a series of essays, the original German text was composed in 1904 and '05, and was translated into English for the first time by American sociologist Talcott Parsons in 1930. [1]

  7. Protestantizem se je začel, ko je Martin Luther leta 1517 nabil na cerkvena vrata v Wittenbergu 95 tez (zahtev) protestantov. Gibanje je dobilo ime leta 1539 po skupini nemških knezov, ki so tega leta protestirali pri Papežu, ker niso smeli imeti svojih verskih idealov. Lutrove ideje so kmalu prevzeli tudi drugi evropski misleci (Francoz ...