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  1. e. Protestant theology refers to the doctrines held by various Protestant traditions, which share some things in common but differ in others. In general, Protestant theology, as a subset of Christian theology, holds to faith in the Christian Bible, the Holy Trinity, salvation, sanctification, charity, evangelism, and the four last things .

  2. Historia del protestantismo. Apariencia. Ayuda. Wikimedia Commons alberga una categoría multimedia sobre Historia del protestantismo. Categorías: Historia del cristianismo. Protestantismo.

  3. Pentecostal Protestantism reached Switzerland from the United States in the early 20th century, and is organized in the Schweizer Pfingstmission (since 1925). As of 2000, minor Protestant confessions in Switzerland were reported, Methodists (0.12%), other (1.44%). Zentrum für Migrationskirchen (literally: Centre for migration churches ...

  4. Portail de Wikipédia consacré au protestantisme. 6 928 articles lui sont actuellement liés. Le protestantisme est un mouvement chrétien de renouveau spirituel et ecclésial qui prend naissance en Europe lors de la Réforme dans la période de la Renaissance ( XVIe siècle) sous l'impulsion de dissidents catholiques, tels Martin Luther et ...

  5. Protestantismu. Nome de siguidores Protestantes. El protestantismu [1] ye'l movimientu relixosu-políticu-social empecipiáu a principios del sieglu XVI al envís de reformar la Ilesia católica, y que provocó québrala de la unidá relixosa europea. Un monxu, Martín Lutero, profesor de Teoloxía, encabezó'l movimientu, argumentando que la ...

  6. Violence. The Reformation was a very violent period in Europe, even family members were often pitted against one another in the wars of religion. Each side, both Catholics and Protestants, were often absolutely certain that they were in the right and that the other side was doing the devil's work.

  7. Tomás Moro fue muy crítico del protestantismo. 1 . La crítica al protestantismo abarca las críticas y preguntas planteadas por el protestantismo, la tradición cristiana que surgió de la Reforma protestante. Mientras que los protestantes priman la fe en Cristo y en la Biblia, el protestantismo se enfrenta a las críticas, principalmente de ...