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  1. The Requerimiento was a document written in 1510 (according to most sources) by Juan López de Palacios Rubios, acting in his capacity as a member of the Royal Council of Castile. Rubios was a doctor, a judge, and the King’s chief jurist. He was also very involved in Spanish politics. The Requerimiento was written with the expectation that it ...

  2. › Requerimiento1513Requerimiento 1513 - IU

    [Juan Lopez de Palacios Rubios], Requerimiento (1513). On the part of the King, Don Fernando, and of Dona Juana, his daughter, Queen of Castille and Leon, subduers of the barbarous nations, we their servants notify and make known to you, as best we can, that the Lord our God, Living and Eternal, created the Heaven and the Earth, and one man and one woman, of whom you and we, all the men of the ...

  3. 7 de dic. de 2020 · El Requerimiento, meaning “the requirement, or demand,” was drafted in 1513 by Juan López de Palacios Rubios, a member of the Council of Castile, which advised King Ferdinand. The document was designed to be read in Spanish by Spanish explorers to American Indians, introducing them to Christian doctrine. Indians were not compelled to ...

  4. Requerimiento de 1513. Si así lo hicieseis, haréis bien, y aquello que sois tenidos y obligados, y sus Altezas y nos en su nombre, os recibiremos con todo amor y caridad, y os dejaremos vuestras mujeres e hijos y haciendas libres y sin servidumbre, para que de ellas y de vosotros hagáis libremente lo que quisieseis y por bien tuvieseis, y no ...

  5. 21 de nov. de 2023 · El Requerimiento, or the Spanish Requirement of 1513, was written in order to document the legal reasoning behind and the process through which Spanish colonizers could assume authority in the ...

  6. Requerimento de uma expedição espanhola quando chegou à América by oliveirafaelo44 in Orphan Interests > Catholic Church

  7. De todas estas gentes Dios nuestro Señor dio cargo a uno, que fue llamado san Pedro, para que de todos los hombres del mundo fuese señor y superior a quien todos obedeciesen, y fue cabeza de todo el linaje humano, dondequiera que los hombres viniesen en cualquier ley, secta o creencia; y diole todo el mundo por su Reino y jurisdicción, y ...