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  1. Sinopsis de SENSE AND SENSIBILITY (CHILTERN EDITION) Jane Austen's first published work, meticulously constructed and sparkling with her unique wit Marianne Dashwood wears her heart on her sleeve, and when she falls in love with the dashing but unsuitable John Willoughby she ignores her sister Elinor's warning that her impulsive behaviour ...

  2. 1 de sept. de 1994 · Sense and Sensibility. Note. There is an improved edition of this title, eBook #21839. Language. English. LoC Class. PR: Language and Literatures: English literature. Subject. England -- Social life and customs -- 19th century -- Fiction.

  3. Sense and Sensibility. Sense and Sensibility (en España, Sentido y sensibilidad; en Hispanoamérica, Sensatez y sentimientos) es una película de 1995 basada en la novela homónima, de Jane Austen . La película se hizo a partir de guion de la actriz principal: Emma Thompson, y fue dirigida por Ang Lee .

  4. Ragione e sentimento (Sense and Sensibility) è stato il primo ro-manzo pubblicato di Jane Austen, il 30 ottobre 1811, in tre vo-lumi, al prezzo di 15 scellini e con, al posto del nome dell'autore, l'indicazione: «By a Lady». L'editore era Thomas Egerton e la pubblicazione avvenne con il sistema "su commissione", ovvero,

  5. Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen Chapter 1 THE FAMILY OF DASHWOOD had long been settled in Sussex. Their estate was large, and their residence was at Norland Park, in the cen-tre of their property, where, for many generations, they had lived in so respectable a manner as to engage the general good opinion of their sur-rounding acquaintance.

  6. Dettagli su Sense and Sensibility - Stesura e Publicazione Jane Austen cominciò a scrivere Elinor and Marianne nel 1795, all'età di soli diciannove anni. Questa prima stesura del successivo Senno e Sensibilità, fu inizialmente scritta in forma epistolare con il nome appunto delle due sorelle Dashwood protagoniste del romanzo.

  7. Sense and Sensibility Full Book Summary. When Mr. Henry Dashwood dies, leaving all his money to his first wife's son John Dashwood, his second wife and her three daughters are left with no permanent home and very little income. Mrs.