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  1. 29 de jun. de 2023 · Cellular senescence is cell cycle arrest that brings a variety of phenotypic changes to cells, including a pro-secretory phenotype 12.Senescence is commonly associated with aging, but its ...

  2. Cellular senescence is a cell state triggered by stressful insults and certain physiological processes, characterized by a pro-longed and generally irreversible cell-cycle arrest with secretory features, macromolecular damage, and altered metabolism (Figure 1). These features can be inter-dependent (Figure 1) but for clarity are described here ...

  3. 1 de mar. de 2023 · How cellular senescence impacts our physiology and pathology over the lifespan has been a focal point of research in the past decade. This is partly due to the apparent paradox of senescent cells being critical for maintaining good health by suppressing tumourigenesis, but also being associated with driving disease and poor health during ageing.

  4. 11 de ago. de 2022 · Cellular senescence was first reported in 1961 by Hayflick and Moorhead after serially subculturing human fibroblasts 37.Senescent cells, which are in a state of essentially irreversible cell ...

  5. 29 de mar. de 2022 · Abstract. The influence of the activation of a cellular phenotype termed senescence and it’s importance in ageing and age-related diseases is becoming more and more evident. In fact, there is a huge effort to tackle these diseases via therapeutic drugs targeting senescent cells named senolytics. However, a clearer understanding of how ...

  6. 16 de ene. de 2019 · Cellular senescence is a permanent state of cell cycle arrest that occurs in proliferating cells subjected to different stresses. Senescence is, therefore, a cellular defense mechanism that prevents the cells to acquire an unnecessary damage. The senescent state is accompanied by a failure to re-enter the cell cycle in response to mitogenic stimuli, an enhanced secretory phenotype and ...

  7. 6 de dic. de 2021 · The hallmarks of cellular senescence include: prolonged cell cycle arrest, transcriptional changes, acquisition of a bioactive secretome, known as the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP), macromolecular damage, and deregulated metabolism . Replicative senescence was the first cellular senescence subtype to be described .