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  1. Anna Vasilchikova. Iván el Terrible se casó por quinta vez sin el permiso de la Iglesia: sin embargo, el clero dejó de intervenir en los asuntos personales del zar en ese momento, conocedor de su...

  2. Anna Vasilchikova (Анна Васильчикова) was Tsaritsa of the Tsardom of Russia and was the fifth spouse of Ivan the Terrible (Иван Грозный). Very little is known of her background. She married Ivan in January 1575 without the blessing of the Ecclesiastical Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.

  3. 25 de oct. de 2023 · Ana se acabaría convirtiendo en la quinta esposa del zar Iván IV de Rusia, más conocido como Iván "El Terrible", pero a diferencia de sus anteriores esposas, apenas se conservan datos sobre ...

  4. Anna Vasilchikova nunca se convirtió en una estrella. Su nombre se puede encontrar en la lista de esposas de Iván el Terrible, pero su historia no abunda en episodios sangrientos y picantes. Gracias a esta joven, varias generaciones de sus parientes más imprudentes pudieron evitar el bloqueo.

  5. His new wife was Anna Vasilchikova, the daughter of one of his boyar associates. The wedding was quite modest – only the closest people from the tsar’s and tsarina’s entourages were present.

  6. 8 de ago. de 2018 · Within a year, the suffering Russian tsar proceeded to marry his fourth spouse, in 1572. Her name was Anna Alexeievna Koltovskaya. As it turned out, Ivan’s fourth tsarina was infertile and so she was sent to a nunnery. Now the path was clear for Ivan’s fifth wife: Anna Vasilchikova.

  7. Anna Vasilchikova became Tsaritsa of Russia in 1575 without the blessing of the Church. As with Ivan's previous wife, she was sent to live as a nun two years later. She is believed to have met a violent death in captivity, possibly under Ivan's orders.