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  1. Introduction à l'astronomie de Copernic. Le «Commentariolus» de Copernic et le «Narratio Prima» de Rheticus. Introduction, traduction française et commentaire de H. Hugonnard-Roche, E. Rosen et J. P. Verdet. Préface de R. Taton. Paris: A. Blanchard, 1975. Pp. 228. - Volume 16 Issue 4

  2. 26 de jun. de 2016 · Muy poco tiempo después de la distribución del «Commentariolus», Martín Lutero, un teólogo y fraile agustino, clavó en la puerta de la iglesia del palacio de Wittenberg sus 95 tesis contra ...

  3. Three Treatises on Copernican Theory. Universally regarded as a founder of modern astronomy, Copernicus wrote in Latin, and his works were unavailable in English until the publication of this 1939 translation. A three-part collection, it consists of the "Commentariolus," Copernicus' sketch of his hypotheses for the heavenly motions; "Narratio ...

  4. 3 de abr. de 2014 · Circa 1508, Nicolaus Copernicus developed his own celestial model of a heliocentric planetary system. Around 1514, he shared his findings in the Commentariolus. His second book on the topic, De ...

  5. Nicolai Coppernici de hypothesibus motuum coelestium a se constitutis commentariolus: Manuscriptum Stockholmiense, in Bibliotheca Reg. Acad. Scient. Suec. servatum Volume 6 of Bihang till k. Svenska vet.-akad. handlingar Volume 6; Volume 12 of Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens handlingar / Bihang, Kungliga Svenska Vetenskapsakademien

  6. 19 de feb. de 2013 · According to the online Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, "sometime between 1510 and 1514 [Copernicus] wrote an essay that has come to be known as the 'Commentariolus,' [which] introduced his ...

  7. In both the Commentariolus and De revolutionibus the lunar model is identical to Ibn ash-Shatir's and finally in both works Copernicus makes it clear that he was addressing the same physical problems of Ptolemy's models as his predecessors.” (Swerdlow and Neugebauer, 47). 5.