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  1. 13 de ene. de 2000 · The powerful voice of major Italian medieval woman mystic, translated with commentary. Angela of Foligno is considered by many as the greatest mystical voice among Italian medieval women. She devoted herself to a relentless pursuit of God when as a middle-aged woman she lost her mother, husband and children; illiterate herself, she dictated her experiences to her confessor, who transcribed her ...

  2. Christine de Pizan's The Vision is both a powerful contemporary response to the chaos that would eventually precipitate Henry V's invasion of France, and a fascinating view of the author's own progress as a woman reader, writer, and public commentator in the late Middle Ages.

  3. In Elizabeth Petroff, Medieval Women's Visionary Literature. New York: Oxford UP, 1986. 513-56. ~~-. Le livre de la mutacion de fortune. 1400-1403. Ed. Suzanne Solente. Paris: SATF, 1959. Trans. D. Bomstein. "Self-Consciousness and Self Concepts in the Work of Christine de Pisan." In Ideals/or Women in the Writings of Christine de Pisano Ed. D ...

  4. The last of Christine de Pizan's book-length allegories, The Vision (L'Avision) was written at a time of tumult in both the history of France and Christine's own professional life. It is both a powerful contemporary response to the chaos that would eventually precipitate Henry V's invasion of France, and a fascinating view of the author's own ...

  5. Christine de Pizan's Livre de la Cité des Dames (1405) is justly renowned for its full-scale assault on the misogynist stereotypes which dominated the culture of the Middle Ages. Rosalind Brown-Grant locates the Cité in the context of Christine's defence of women as it developed over a number of years and through a range of different texts.

  6. 25 de feb. de 2019 · Christine de Pizan was married at the age of fifteen and widowed in her mid-twenties. Her father’s financial circumstances had been reduced prior to his own death and she therefore found herself responsible for the support of her mother and a niece in addition to her own three children. Having received an excellent education, she took to ...

  7. Christine de Pizan's The Vision is both a powerful contemporary response to the chaos that would eventually precipitate Henry V's invasion of France, and a fascinating view of the author's own progress as a woman reader, writer, and public commentator in the late Middle Ages.