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  1. DR. SEIDL: Dr. Seidl for the defendant Oswald Pohl. Your Honor, the final plea for the Defendant Oswald Pohl, which is before you now, is, as can be seen by the index, divided into 12 parts. Considering the time at my disposal, I will not read everything I have in the index and I shall limit myself to quoting certain excerpts.

  2. Oswald Pohl. Oswald Ludwig Pohl (German: [ˈɔsvalt ˈpoːl] ; 30 June 1892 – 7 June 1951) was a German SS functionary during the Nazi era. As the head of the SS Main Economic and Administrative Office and the head administrator of the Nazi concentration camps, he was a key figure in the Final Solution, the genocide of the European Jews.

  3. Page 335. Official transcript of Military Tribunal II, Case 4, in the matter of the United States of America against Oswald Pohl, et all, defendants, sitting at Nurnbert, Germany, on 12 April 1947, 0930, Justice Toms, presiding. THE MARSHAL: Persons in the Courtroom will please find their seats.

  4. Oswald Pohl. Některá data mohou pocházet z datové položky. Oswald Ludwig Pohl ( 30. června 1892 Duisburg -Ruhrort – 8. června 1951 Landsberg am Lech) byl německý nacistický důstojník a člen SS v hodnosti Obergruppenführer. Během druhé světové války se podílel na správě koncentračních táborů.

  5. Oswald Ludwig Pohl (30 June 1892 – 8 June 1951) was a Nazi official and member of the SS. He rose to the rank of SS-Obergruppenführer, and was involved in the administration of German concentration camps during the Second World War. After the war he went into hiding and then was found in 1946, was judicially tried in 1947, repeatedly appealed his case, and finally was executed by hanging in ...

  6. Né le 30 juin 1892 à Duisburg, en Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie, dans un milieu modeste, Oswald Pohl fait des études moyennes qui ne le prédestinent pas à une carrière brillante.

  7. Juni: Oswald Pohl wird in Duisburg-Ruhrort als Sohn des Schmieds und Werkmeisters Hermann Otto Emil Pohl und dessen Frau Auguste (geb. Seifert) geboren. Er ist das fünfte von insgesamt acht Kindern. 1898-1904. Er besucht die Volksschule in Duisburg-Laar. 1912.