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  1. Cantor was always proud of the acceptance his new theory had found in the estimation of Cardinal Franzelin and would frequently remind his friends in the Church, through correspondence, that he had been assured on the cardinal's authority that the theory of transfinite numbers posed no theological threats to religion. 103 In fact, Cantor believed that the real existence of the Transfinitum ...

  2. Throughout the 1880s and 1890s, he refined his set theory, defining well-ordered sets and power sets and introducing the concepts of ordinality and cardinality and the arithmetic of infinite sets. What is now known as Cantor’s theorem states generally that, for any set A, the power set of A(i.e. the set of all subsets of A) has a strictly ...

  3. Georg Cantor. A development in Germany originally completely distinct from logic but later to merge with it was Georg Cantor’s development of set theory.In work originating from discussions on the foundations of the infinitesimal and derivative calculus by Baron Augustin-Louis Cauchy and Karl Weierstrass, Cantor and Richard Dedekind developed methods of dealing with the large, and in fact ...

  4. En 1874, Georg Cantor publie un article où il démontre qu’il n’existe pas plus de nombres algébriques que de nombres entiers mais que, par contre, il existe strictement plus de nombres réels. Cet article est révolutionnaire car, pour la première fois, l’infini est considéré non plus comme une limite inatteignable mais comme un possible objet d’investigation.

  5. › artikel › georg-cantorGroße Namen: Georg Cantor

    19 de abr. de 2018 · Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor, geboren am 3. März 1845 als Sohn eines Börsenmaklers und seiner Frau in St. Petersburg, gilt noch heute als Begründer der Mengenlehre. Ab 1862 studierte er Mathematik in Zürich, Göttingen und Berlin, wo er 1867 mit einer Arbeit über Zahlentheorie promoviert wurde. Es folgte 1869 die ­Habilitation an ...

  6. 12 de may. de 2021 · Questo testo è un’anticipazione da La filosofia dell’infinito di Georg Cantor, in uscita il 20 maggio 2021. Ringraziamo Mimesis per la gentile concessione. di Emilio Ferrario. La storia della cultura occidentale mostra che ben presto, già con i paradossi di Zenone di Elea, ha avuto inizio la riflessione sul tema dell’infinito, sia nella ...

  7. 8 de ene. de 2018 · Georg Cantor fue una figura pletórica y excesiva, una personalidad desmesurada, al que las zarpas de la locura acabaron desgarrando, sobre todo a partir de 1899, cuando fue internado en clínicas de reposo cada dos o tres años aquejado de manías persecutorias y cuadros maníaco-depresivos. Es innegable que cierta tentación melodramática ...

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