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  1. Secondogenito di Constantijn Huygens (1596 - 1687), amico di Cartesio, Christiaan studiò giurisprudenza e matematica all' Università di Leida dal 1645 al 1647 e successivamente al College van Oranje (Collegio d'Orange) di Breda, prima di interessarsi completamente alla scienza. Fece parte del circolo dei Collegianti di Rijnsburg, prendendo ...

  2. Constantijn Huygens envisages diplomatic careers for his sons and sends them to Leiden and Breda to study law and military science. However, Christiaan takes more of an interest in mathematics, physics, and astronomy. At an early age, he is already engaged in correspondence with authoritative scientists abroad regarding a wide range of issues.

  3. Christiaan Huygens (14 de abril de 1629 - 8 de julho de 1695), um cientista natural holandês, foi uma das grandes figuras da revolução científica . Embora sua invenção mais conhecida seja o relógio de pêndulo, Huygens é lembrado por uma ampla gama de invenções e descobertas nos campos da física, matemática, astronomia e relojoaria.

  4. 1 de ago. de 2017 · Christiaan Huygens is een genie, daar is geen twijfel over mogelijk. Maar hij heeft ook zijn tijd mee. In dit tijdperk, grofweg tussen 1588 en 1702, zijn de omstandigheden om onderzoek te doen erg gunstig. Er zijn dermate veel ontwikkelingen in de wetenschap dat men ook wel spreekt van een wetenschappelijke revolutie.

  5. 8 de jul. de 2012 · Christiaan Huygens studied law and mathematics at the University of Leiden from 1645 until 1647. Van Schooten tutored him in mathematics while he was in Leiden. From 1647 until 1649 he continued to study law and mathematics but now at the College of Orange at Breda. Although John Pell was a teacher at Breda about this time, he seems to have had ...

  6. Christiaan Huygens ( wymowa ⓘ [ ˈ ɦ œ y̆ ɣ ə ( n) s ], ur. 14 kwietnia 1629 w Hadze, zm. 8 lipca 1695 tamże) – holenderski uczony: matematyk, fizyk teoretyczny i doświadczalny, astronom oraz inżynier -wynalazca. Członek Towarzystwa Królewskiego w Londynie (ang.

  7. 克里斯蒂安·惠更斯(Christiaan Huyg(h)ens,1629年04月14日—1695年07月08日)荷兰物理学家、天文学家、数学家,1629年4月14日生于海牙,1695年7月8日卒于海牙。他是介于伽利略与牛顿之间一位重要的物理学先驱,是历史上最著名的物理学家之一,他对力学的发展和光学的研究都有杰出的贡献,在数学和 ...

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