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  1. Así como Victorine Meurent fue la musa de Edouard Manet para crear su famosa pintura “Olympia”, Elizabeth Siddal fue la musa de los prerrafaelitas, quien fue famosamente retratada como la enamorada de Hamlet, Ophelia. Su historia y vida es una que se convirtió en leyenda y su belleza traspasó los límites del tiempo. Andrea Jaramillo Caro.

  2. Fonti, risorse bibliografiche, siti su Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal, Il vero amore non ci è concesso, a cura di Conny Stockhausen, Panda 2006 Elizabeth Eleanor Siddal, "Di rivi e gigli". Poesie e lettere, traduzione e cura di Stefania Arcara, Bari, Palomar, 2009. Con testo a fronte.

  3. 6 de dic. de 2021 · Elizabeth provenía de una familia que gozaba de un buen pasar, pero cuando ella aún era pequeña, en 1831, la economía familiar venida a menos obligó a los Siddal a instalarse en una zona más ...

  4. 29 de sept. de 2023 · It wasn’t long before Siddal held the interest of other members of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. One artist, in particular, found himself fascinated with the red-headed stunner's appearance— Dante Gabriel Rossetti. As the co-founder of the famed group, it wasn't long before Elizabeth took advantage of her admirer's fanciful whim.

  5. 22 de oct. de 2021 · Detalle de un retrato de Elizabeth Siddal por Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1854). La vida de la poeta, pintora y musa prerrafaelita Elizabeth Siddal fue arrebatadora, de un sufrimiento majestuoso, no ...

  6. 17 de jun. de 2019 · I n Sir John Everett Millais’s well-known painting Ophelia, an otherworldly Elizabeth Siddal is depicted floating, flanked by untended foliage. Cloaked in flowers, the lifeless Shakespearean beauty limply grasps at her unraveled garland (perhaps in rigor mortis) – as an assortment of poppies, daisies, and petunias join her in death.

  7. 18 de nov. de 2020 · Siddal was named after her mother. Her parents were Charles Crooke Siddal and Elizabeth Eleanor Evans. At the time of her birth in 1829, her father had a cutlery-making business, but around 1831 the family moved to a less salubrious area in south London, were the rest of Siddal siblings were born.

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