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  1. Henry Brooks Adams always knew for whom he wrote. It was not for himself, or his friends, or his family, but for the ages. His letters to his brother, Charles Adams, undulate with confused and forbidden desires. Descended from glory, Adams needed to make his own place in family history. He knew the Civil War was the defining event for his ...

  2. Henry Brooks Adams, the most prominent member of the fourth generation of the Adams family to leave a profound impression on American life, is one of the most enigmatic personalities ever to pen a page of history. He is the one important American historian whose life is more significant than the history he wrote. But it is not what Henry

  3. Henry Brooks Adams nació en Boston en 1838. Estudió en Harvard y luego Derecho en Berlín; a su vuelta se convirtió en secretario de su padre, congresista en Washington y luego legado en Londres, donde ambos pasaron los años de la Guerra de Secesión. Allí Henry conoció y frecuentó a las personalidades del momento y se empapó de alta ...

  4. Henry Brooks Adams era nieto de John Quincy Adams, que había sido presidente de los Estados Unidos. Nació en 1838 con el destino de hacerse un caballero, es decir, una persona dotada de buenas maneras y cierta instrucción, la cual podía convertirse en «cultura» si uno seguía apegado a la costumbre de leer libros y mantenía una sana curiosidad por lo desconocido.

  5. Henry Adams. Henry Brooks Adams (16 tháng 2 năm 1838 - 27 tháng 3 năm 1918) là một nhà sử học người Mỹ và là thành viên của gia đình chính trị Adams, là hậu duệ của hai vị Tổng thống Hoa Kỳ . Khi mới tốt nghiệp Harvard thời trẻ, anh đã làm thư ký cho cha mình, Charles Francis Adams ...

  6. Noted American historian Henry Brooks Adams wrote his nine-volume History of the United States during the Administrations of Jefferson and Madison (1889-1891) and also a famous autobiography, The Education of Henry Adams (1918). This oldest and most distinguished family in Boston produced John Adams and John Qunicy Adams, two American ...

  7. Henry Brooks Adams - Un profesor trabaja para la eternidad: nadie puede decir dónde acaba su influencia. - Frases y Citas