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  1. Calvinism: Jean Calvin: Baze Creștinism Augustin de Hipona Reforma Protestantă. Specific Învățătura lui Calvin Cele cinci Sola Cele cinci puncte ale calvinismului Principiul regulator de închinare Mărturisiri calviniste de credință. Influențe Théodore Beza Sinodul din Dort Puritanism Jonathan Edwards Teologii de la Princeton Karl ...

  2. カルヴァン主義 (カルヴァンしゅぎ、Calvinism)とは、すべての上にある神の主権を強調する 神学 体系、および クリスチャン 生活の実践である。. 宗教改革 の思想家 ジャン・カルヴァン にちなんでカルヴァン主義と名づけられている。. この ...

  3. Calvinismus. Jean Calvin. Der Begriff Calvinismus wird uneinheitlich gebraucht. Er ist einerseits eine Fremdbezeichnung für die aus der Schweizer Reformation hervorgegangene reformierte Kirchenfamilie, zu der auch Presbyterianische Kirchen und Kongregationalisten gehören. Als Calvinismus werden andererseits das theologische System Johannes ...

  4. This theme is most famously associated with Abraham Kuyper. 16 Kuyper wrote, “Calvinism made its appearance, not merely to create a different Church-form, but an entirely different form for human life, to furnish human society with a different method of existence, and to populate the world of the human heart with different ideals and conceptions.” 17 Kuyper pressed this argument in a very ...

  5. › wiki › CalvinismuCalvinismu - Wikipedia

    Calvinismu. La biblia de Xinebra. Una de les primeres biblies publicada por protestantes, en francés, editada en 1669 n'Ámsterdam. La edición recupera la traducción de d'Olivétan de 1535, basada nel testu hebréu y griegu.. El calvinismu [1] (tamién llamáu tradición reformada, la fe reformada o teoloxía reformada) ye un sistema ...

  6. Jean Cauvin, also Jean Calvin ( English: John Calvin, July 10, 1509 – May 27, 1564), was a French Protestant theologian during the Protestant Reformation who was a central developer of the system of Christian theology that is called Calvinism or Reformed theology. In Geneva City, he rejected papal authority and established a new scheme of ...

  7. Calvinism: Jean Calvin: Baze Creștinism Augustin de Hipona Reforma Protestantă. Specific Învățătura lui Calvin Cele cinci Sola Cele cinci puncte ale calvinismului Principiul regulator de închinare Mărturisiri calviniste de credință. Influențe Théodore Beza Sinodul din Dort Puritanism Jonathan Edwards Teologii de la Princeton Karl ...