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  1. 1463 births. Wikimedia Commons has media related to 1463 births. People born in the year 1463. See also: 1463 deaths .

  2. The first reliable mention of the family dates back to 1128, when Emicho, Count of Leiningen testified to a document from Adalbert I of Saarbrücken, Archbishop of Mainz. [1] This family became extinct in the male line when Count Frederick II died about 1214 [2] or 1220. Frederick I's sister, Liutgarde, married Simon II, Count of Saarbrücken.

  3. Adolf II von der Marck: 1363 1363 Engelbert III von der Marck: 1364 1369 Kuno von Falkenstein: 1370 1371 Friedrich III von Saarwerden: 1372 1414 Dietrich II von Moers: 1414 1463 Ruprecht of the Palatinate: 1463 1480 Hermann IV of Hesse: 1480 1508 Philip II of Daun-Oberstein: 1508 1515 Hermann V von Wied: 1515 1546

  4. Philip II, Count of Daun-Falkenstein: German nobleman, Noble, From: Germany

  5. Philip II, Count of Daun-Falkenstein: German nobleman, Noble, From: Germany

  6. philip ii of spainの意味や使い方 【名詞】1スペインとポルトガルの王とメアリー一世の夫(king of Spain and Portugal and husband of Mary I) - 約684万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。