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  1. In the United States, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants ( WASP) is a sociological term which is often used to describe white Protestant Americans of Northwestern European descent, who are generally part of the white dominant culture or upper-class and historically often the Mainline Protestant elite. [2] [3] Historically or most consistently, WASPs ...

  2. Since 1920, the Swiss Reformed Churches have been organized in 26 member churches of the Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches. In the 2000 Swiss census, 33% of Swiss population were reported as registered members of a Reformed cantonal church. By 2022, this was 22.5%, [1] with 2.7% of the populations belonging to other Protestant denominations.

  3. Protestantizmus. evangélikusok, reformátusok, anglikánok, baptisták, metodisták, pünkösdiek, adventisták stb. A protestantizmus mint gyűjtőnév alatt a kereszténység azon egyik fő ágát szokták érteni, amely a reformáció teológiai alapelveit követi.

  4. La propaganda protestante y católica durante la Reforma intentó convencer al público de que adoptara o continuara sus prácticas religiosas. Los propagandistas de ambos grupos intentaron publicar documentos sobre la doctrina de la Iglesia, ya sea para retener a sus creyentes o para influir en los nuevos creyentes.

  5. Iglesias unidas y unificadas en todo el mundo. La Iglesia Protestante en Hesse y Nassau (fundada en 1817) es una iglesia protestante unida miembro de la Iglesia evangélica en Alemania. Unionskirche en Idstein sostenida por la Iglesia Protestante en Hesse y Nassau. Conmemora la unión de los protestantes luteranos y reformados en el Ducado de ...

  6. Lebanese Protestant Christians (Arabic: بروتستانت لبنان) refers to Lebanese people who are adherents of Protestantism in Lebanon. They are a Christian minority in the country. In 2020, studies showed that while 34.28% of the population followed Christianity; in total 1.2% of Lebanon's population were Protestant (approximately 48,000 people).

  7. Protestantizmus. Protestantizmus alebo protestantstvo (príslušník sa nazýva protestant) je jedna z troch najväčších vetiev kresťanstva (popri katolíctve a pravosláví ), ktorá vznikla v 16. storočí z európskej reformácie.