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  1. American Dream – Definition. Um eine erste Idee davon zu bekommen, was der American Dream ist, sieh Dir diese Definition an: Der American Dream (amerikanischer Traum) ist die amerikanische Überzeugung, dass die USA das Land der unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten sind, in dem jede*r alles erreichen kann.

  2. The American Dream Corporate Group. Over the course of the following years, the company has grown into a corporate group accompanying many different service sectors. One of the most important stages of the company’s history was the government licensing of The American Dream emigration consultants through the German Federal Office.

  3. O Sonho Americano (em inglês: American Dream) é um ethos nacional dos Estados Unidos, uma variedade de ideais de liberdade inclui a chance para o sucesso e prosperidade, maior mobilidades social para as famílias e crianças, alcançada através de trabalho duro em uma sociedade sem obstáculos. Na definição do que é o "Sonho Americano ...

  4. アメリカン・ドリーム ( 英語: American Dream )とは、 アメリカ合衆国 における成功の概念の一つ。. 均等に与えられる機会を活かし、勤勉と努力によって勝ち取ることの出来るものとされ、その根源は 独立宣言書 に記された 幸福追求の権利 に拠る [1] 。.

  5. Book Guides. The Great Gatsby is a tragic love story on the surface, but it's most commonly understood as a pessimistic critique of the American Dream. In the novel, Jay Gatsby overcomes his poor past to gain an incredible amount of money and a limited amount of social cache in 1920s NYC, only to be rejected by the "old money" crowd.

  6. Many Fortune 500 companies such as KFC, Royal Caribbean, Pizza Hut, Sandals Resorts have chosen to share their success stories on The American Dream. Regardless of the size of your company, the ups and downs of turning a passion into a business in a modern America are what we aim to capture and share with our viewers.

  7. 4 de jul. de 2019 · The phrase “the American Dream” was coined by a Pulitzer prize-winning historian named James Truslow Adams in his 1931 book The Epic of America. Truslow described the American Dream in this way (pp. 415-416): But there has been also the American dream, that dream of a land in which life should be better and richer.

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