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  1. More than any other fighter in history, James J. Corbett was responsible for transforming boxing from a brutal trial of strength and courage into a scientific art. First world heavyweight champion under the Marquis of Queensbury rules, when gloves replaced bare fists, he employed clever footwork and sharp precision punching to overcome stronger, harder-hitting opponents. Under his influence ...

  2. 6 de feb. de 2010 · 173-190 lbs. RACE. White; Irish-American. MANAGERS. Charles Stenzel, Charles E. "Parson" Davies, William Brady, George Considine, James J. McDevitt. Corbett was one of the greatest heavyweights of all-time; He developed innovations that led to modern boxing techniques and fighting styles; He was clever, agile and "jack-rabbit" quick; He ...

  3. 15 de ago. de 2017 · Such descriptions of the Sept. 7, 1892, heavyweight title fight between legendary brawler John L. Sullivan and fleet-footed challenger "Gentleman" Jim Corbett at the esteemed Olympic Club in the ...

  4. 3 de oct. de 2006 · Aucun sujet ne pouvait mieux correspondre au cinéaste Raoul Walsh et à son acolyte Errol Flynn que l'histoire vraie du boxeur américain James J. Corbett

  5. A boxing immortal, the late James J. Corbett won the heavyweight boxing title in 1892, when he knocked out the famed John L. Sullivan in New Orleans after 21 rounds. Known as “Gentleman Jim,” San Francisco-born Corbett weighed 178 pounds to Sullivan’s 212. A representative of San Francisco’s Olympic Club, Corbett was the first champion […]

  6. Avec Errol Flynn, Alexis Smith, Jack Carson. Jim veut tout très vite : être champion de boxe, grand acteur shakespearien et surtout épouser la fille de son patron. Les entraînements, les matchs fougueux, la vie à toute vitesse, sauront lui apprendre à changer. L'histoire d'une irrésistible ascension, celle de James Corbett, modeste ...

  7. 21 de abr. de 2020 · Gentleman Jim, c’est l’histoire extraordinaire de James J. Corbett, l’un des premiers grands champions internationaux de boxe, qui connut son heure de gloire dans les dernières années du XIXe siècle. Issu d’une famille modeste, il travaille dans une banque.