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  1. Isaac Newton was born in Lincolnshire, near Grantham, on December 25, 1642, and died at Kensington, London, on March 20, 1727. He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, and lived there from 1661 till 1696, during which time he produced the bulk of his work in mathematics; in 1696 he was appointed to a valuable Government office, and moved ...

  2. Trinity College Notebook (Normalized) Trinity College Notebook. Author: Isaac Newton. Source: R.4.48c, Trinity College Library, Cambridge, UK. Published online: September 2003. Additional Information. Notes on the Original Document. The notebook has been written from both ends: the expenses listed on pp. i-xii are written from the back of the ...

  3. El Trinity College es uno de los colleges que constituyen la Universidad de Cambridge en Cambridge, Inglaterra. El Trinity College tiene más miembros que ningún otro college en Cambridge u Oxford, con unos 660 estudiantes, 430 estudiantes de postgrado y más de 160 profesores y miembros del college. 1 Es también el más rico de los college ...

  4. 19 de dic. de 2007 · 1. Newton's Life. Newton's life naturally divides into four parts: the years before he entered Trinity College, Cambridge in 1661; his years in Cambridge before the Principia was published in 1687; a period of almost a decade immediately following this publication, marked by the renown it brought him and his increasing disenchantment with Cambridge; and his final three decades in London, for ...

  5. Isaac Newton (1642-1727) came up to the University of Cambridge in 1661, graduating in 1665. In 1669 he succeeded Isaac Barrow in the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics. In 1699 Newton was appointed Master of the Mint, resigning the Lucasian Chair and his Trinity College Fellowship in 1701.

  6. Parte significativa da obra de Isaac Newton foi elaborada durante um período de isolamento que ele foi forçado a viver, por conta de uma epidemia de peste bubônica que atingiu a Inglaterra, causando a morte de cerca de 100 mil pessoas. A epidemia forçou a Trinity College a fechar, o que fez Newton retornar para a sua casa, em Woolsthorpe.

  7. 1667-ben Newton a Trinity College tanára lett. 1669-ben a végtelen sorokról írt munkája elismeréséül Isaac Barrow, aki a tanára volt, Newton javára lemondott az egyetemi katedráról, így helyére Newtont az egyetem professzorává léptették elő.