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  1. 1 de ene. de 2001 · History of European Ideas, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 599-614, 1993 0191-6599/93 $6.00+0.00 Printed in Great Britain Ê 1993 Pergamon Press Ltd FAMILY AND FESTIVALS: SOCIAL INTEGRATION AND DISINTEGRATION IN MORELLET'S CRITIQUE OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION JEFFREY MERRICK* The abbé André Morellet (1727-1819), like many other French subjects, welcomed the accession of Louis XVI, who governed the realm in ...

  2. André Morellet (7 de març de 1727 – 12 de gener de 1819) va ser un escriptor i economista francès que va contribuir a l'Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers. Nasqué a Lyon, i es va educar en els jesuïtes i més tard al Sorbonne. Va prendre les ordres sagrades, però sense gaire convicció.

  3. Cuadernos de Historia Moderna (Oct 2010) . André Morellet y la enseñanza de la economía en la ilustración española. La “Memoria sobre la utilidad del establecimiento de una escuela de comercio”

  4. Allow me, sir, to address you with the formulae in common use in your language, which are the most convenient, the simplest, the truest and so the most worthy of a philosopher such as you.

  5. MORELLET, LAW REFORMER AND POLITICAL ECONOMIST. André Morellet (1727-1819), law reformer and political economist, played an important role in the dissemination of philosophical thought and in the principal debates of his day and participated actively in the intellectual movement that led to the publication of the Encyclopédie.

  6. 12 de feb. de 2009 · Éloges de Madame Geoffrin: contemporaine de Madame Du Deffand, par MM. Morellet, Thomas et d ... by André Morellet, Jean Le Rond d' Alembert , Marie Thérèse Rodet Geoffrin, Thomas (Antoine Léonard)

  7. André Morellet (1727-1819) Éloges de Madame Geoffrin, contemporaine du Madame Du Deffand : suivis de lettres de Madame Geoffrin et à Madame Geoffrin et d'un essai sur la conversation / par M. Morellet.