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  1. George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff: The Man, The Teaching, His Mission represents William Patrick Patterson's ninth and final book on the life and teachings of Gurdjieff and is fundamentally a summation of forty-four years of Patterson's researching, studying, and applying Gurdjieff's Fourth Way teaching.

  2. Concepì un'opera in tre libri dal titolo complessivo Du tout et de tout, di cui sono apparsi, postumi, i volumi Récits de Belzébuth à son petit-fils (1956) e Rencontres avec des hommes remarquables (1960; trad. it. 1977). Nell'Enciclopedia Treccani troverai tutto quello che devi sapere su Gurdjieff, Georges Ivanovič.

  3. George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff nasceu em Alexandropol, uma cidade na Rússia, na fronteira com a Turquia. Não existe certeza sobre a data de seu nascimento, sendo que seus biógrafos apontam como sendo mais provável o ano de 1866. Seu pai era grego e sua mãe, armênia.

  4. George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff (c. 1866–1949) is often spoken of as one of the foundational figures of modern “secularized” mysticism (Hunt 2003, 225–250), yet he is far less studied than other foundational figures such as Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831–1891), co-founder of the Theosophical Society, and Rudolf Steiner (1851–1925 ...

  5. GURDJIEFF, George Ivanovitch. Natural da Armênia, que na época pertencia ao antigo Império Russo Czarista. O ano de seu nascimento é incerto, algo em torno de 1860, 1880 ou, ainda, 1866 ou 1872, como defendem alguns de seus discípulos. Sua morte completou 60 anos, em 2009. Gurdjieff é alguém que apareceu num dado momento histórico para ...

  6. Fall 2013 Issue, Vol. XII No. 1. Welcome to the Gurdjieff International Review—a source of informed essays and commentary on the life, writings, and teachings of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff. Mr. Gurdjieff was an extraordinary man, a master in the truest sense. His teachings speak to our most essential questions: Who am I?

  7. George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff (c. 1866–1949) is often spoken of as one of the foundational figures of modern “secularized” mysticism (Hunt 2003, 225–250), yet he is far less studied than other foundational figures such as Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831–1891), co-founder of the Theosophical Society, and Rudolf Steiner (1851–1925), founder of Anthroposophy.