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  1. 6. Girl before a Mirror. Pablo Picasso produced Girl before a Mirror in 1932 as an oil on canvas painting. The picture depicts Picasso’s mistress and muse, Marie-Thérèse Walter, standing in front of a mirror, gazing at her reflection. During the 1930s, Picasso painted Marie-Thérèse many times.

  2. 25 de mar. de 2024 · Or Derain. But for them, the masks were sculptures like all others. When Matisse showed me his first African head, he spoke to me of Egyptian art. Andre Malraux cites Picasso in: Anatoliĭ Podoksik, ‎Marina Aleksandrovna Bessonova, ‎Pablo Picasso (1989), Picasso: The Artists Work in Soviet Museums. p. 13.

  3. Learn about Pablo Picasso and their art in the Guggenheim's Collection Online.

  4. 1-20 de 1170 CARGAR MÁS. List of all 1170 obras de arte by Pablo Picasso.

  5. Jacqueline Roque (1961–73) Tanda tangan. Pablo Ruiz Picasso (25 Oktober 1881 – 8 April 1973) adalah seorang seniman yang terkenal dalam aliran kubisme dan dikenal sebagai pelukis revolusioner pada abad ke-20. Dia merupakan jenius seni yang cakap membuat patung, grafis, keramik, kostum penari balet sampai tata panggung.

  6. 1 de jul. de 2023 · Pablo Picasso, Woman with Child, 1921, Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA. Following Gouel’s death, the painter left France and moved to Italy, falling in love with Olga Khokhlova, a Russian ballerina. She was his first wife and, interestingly, disliked his Cubist style. She demanded to be painted in a completely different way.

  7. Pablo Ruiz Picasso ( 25. října 1881 Málaga – 8. dubna 1973 Mougins) byl španělský malíř a sochař. Jeho celé jméno je Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso. Je jednou z nejvýznamnějších osobností umění 20. století.

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