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  1. Lecce es una ciudad italiana de la región de Apulia (Puglia en italiano), famosa por sus edificios barrocos. La ciudad posee un importante patrimonio artístico y cultural, tal es así que muchos la consideran como un museo a cielo abierto o la Florencia del sur. Por si fuera poco, a unos kilómetros de la ciudad se encuentra el llamado Caribe ...

  2. Lecce, Piazza Duomo di sera. Spostiamoci poi in piazza Sant’Oronzo che, pur non essendo il centro della città, ne è considerata il salotto ideale: qui trova posto la chiesa di Santa Maria delle Grazie, realizzata alla fine del 1500 e poco distante la sontuosa chiesa di Sant’Irene, dedicata alla precedente patrona della città, prima che nel 1656 venisse proclamato protettore Sant’Oronzo.

  3. › wiki › LecceLecce – Wikipedie

    Stotisícové město Lecce má řadu významných stavebních památek, především z období baroka, postavených ze zdejšího zlatavého vápence (pro zdejší zdobný styl barokních staveb se používá pojem lecceské baroko ). Střed města na náměstí Piazza Oronzo zdobí další ze sloupů označující konec cesty Via Appia, jenž ...

  4. The history of Lecce is intriguing. Its origins seem to date back to the 5th century BC, but a legend attributes its foundation to around 1200 BC by Malennio, immediately after the destruction of the city of Troy. The conquest by Rome ensured a strong economic and building development. With the fall of the empire under Marcus Aurelius, Lecce ...

  5. Lecce Cathedral is dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. It’s considered to be the best work of a famous Baroque architect of Lecce Giuseppe Zimbalo. There are three naves and twelve side chapels with altars in each of them. The main nave is decorated with a beautiful wooden ceiling with paintings.

  6. 20 de ago. de 2023 · Bienvenidos a la retransmisión del partido Lecce vs Lazio en tiempo real, correspondiente a la primera jornada de la temporada 2023-2024 de la Serie A. El encuentro tendrá lugar en el Estadio ...

  7. 3 de jun. de 2019 · Lecce, Italy, sometimes called the Florence of the South, is the main city on southern Puglia's Salento Peninsula and one of the top places to go in Puglia. Because of the soft limestone that's easy to work, Lecce became the center for the ornate architecture called the Barocco Leccese and the city is filled with Baroque monuments.

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