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  1. Gnaeus Marcius Coriolanus, legendary Roman hero of patrician descent who was said to have lived in the late 6th and early 5th centuries bc; the subject of Shakespeare’s play Coriolanus. According to tradition, he owed his surname to his bravery at the siege of Corioli (493 bc ) in the war against the Volsci .

  2. CORIOLANO, Gaio Marcio (Gaius, o meglio Gnaeus Marcius Coriolanus) È l'eroe d'una celebre e bellissima leggenda romana. Il cognome gli sarebbe stato dato per il valore mostrato alla presa di Corioli nel 493 a. C. sotto il console Postumo Cominio. Nel 492, durante una carestia, sostenne in senato che il grano inviato da Dionisio di Siracusa ...

  3. Coriolanus is a tragedy by William Shakespeare that was first performed around 1609.Like Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra, it is a Roman play.But unlike those plays, it is not set in the Imperial Rome of the first century CE, but more than two centuries earlier, when Rome was just one Italian city among many, fighting for survival.

  4. 20 de ene. de 2012 · Coriolanus. (. 2012. ) Caius Martius ''Coriolanus'', un reverenciado y temido general Romano está en desacuerdo con la Ciudad de Roma y sus ciudadanos. Presionado por su controladora y ambiciosa madre Volumnia para alcanzar el enorme y poderoso puesto de Cónsul, se ve poco dispuesto a congraciarse con las masas cuyos votos necesita para poder ...

  5. 16 de ene. de 2013 · Basado en el clásico de Shakespeare, Coriolanus muestra el regreso de un líder militar a su patria como gran triunfador. No obstante, sus impopulares políticas le acabarán condenando al exilio.

  6. Personen: Cajus Marcius Coriolanus, ein edler Römer. Titus Lartius und Cominius, Anführer gegen die Volsker. Menenius Agrippa, Coriolans Freund. Sicinius Velutus und Junius Brutus, Volkstribunen. Marcius, Coriolans kleiner Sohn. Ein römischer Herold. Tullus Aufidius, Anführer der Volsker. Ein Unterfeldherr des Aufidius.

  7. 14 de feb. de 2011 · Coriolanus shows little interest in government and even less patience with the ungrateful rabble he fought to liberate, and when it comes time for the talkshow tribunal that will decide his fate ...

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