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  1. David Brewster. El visor estereoscópico Brewster o estereoscopio lenticular es un aparato precinematográfico [ 1] inventado en el 1849 por el físico escocés David Brewster, cuyo apellido inspira el nombre del artefacto, y producido por la compañía parisina Duboscq & Soleil. Dicho aparato es un juguete óptico, por lo que se trata de un ...

  2. Brewster was a physicist, mathematician, astronomer, inventor and writer. From an early age he was interested in science and attended the University of Edinburgh from 1794. In 1799 he began contributing to the ‘Edinburgh Magazine’, becoming its editor in 1802.

  3. Sir David Brewster war ein schottischer Templer und Wissenschaftler. Als drittes von sechs Kindern wurde Brewster von seinen Gottesfürchtigen Eltern aufgezogen. Mit zwölf Jahren schickten seine Eltern ihn an die Universität von Edinburgh, wo er neben seinem Abschluss auch eine Pfarrer-Lizenz erlangte. Später jedoch wurde er zunächst Anwalt, dann Professor für Physik. Von seinen ...

  4. Sir David Brewster, FRS, lived from 11 December 1781 to 10 February 1868. He was a renowned scientist who made a particular contribution in the field of optics. The wider picture in Scotland at the time is set out in our Historical Timeline. David Brewster was born in Jedburgh, where his father was rector of the local grammar school.

  5. Fabricado por David Brewster. Producido por la compañía parisina Dubosq & Soleil. Francia, ca. 1849 . Este aparato tiene el propósito de visualizar fotografías en tres dimensiones, dando un efecto de profundidad y perspectiva. Permite ver por transparencia estereogramas de vidrio y directamente estereogramas de cartón. Funcionamiento

  6. David Brewster & Associates, Inc.'s accounting services steer you closer to these goals with accurate record-keeping and reporting as well as support on financial issues such as initial accounting system setup, cost-containment, tax planning, investments, and employee benefit and profit-sharing plans.

  7. Sir David Brewster. (1781–1868) →. sister projects: Wikipedia article, Commons gallery, Commons category, quotes, Wikidata item. Scottish scientist, inventor and writer. Editor of Edinburgh Journal of Science. Sir David Brewster.

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    sir David Brewster