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  1. James Scott, I duque de MonmouthJames Scott, duque de Monmouth. James Scott, primer duque de Monmouth (9 de abril de 1649 15 de julio de 1685), era hijo natural del rey Carlos II de Inglaterra y de su amante Lucy Walter que siguió al rey en el exilio tras la ejecución de Carlos … Wikipedia Español

  2. wikipedia-es:James_Scott_duque_de_Monmouth This content was extracted from Wikipedia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

  3. James Scott, Duce de Monmouth. James Scott , primul duce de Monmouth ( Rotterdam , Olanda , 9 aprilie 1649 - Londra , Anglia , 15 iulie 1685 ) , a fost fiul natural al regelui Carol al II-lea al Angliei și al amantei sale Lucía Walter care l-a urmat pe rege în exil după executarea lui Carol I al Angliei .

  4. James Scott, erster Herzog von Monmouth ( Rotterdam, Holland, 9. April 1649 -London , England , 15. Juli 1685 ), war der leibliche Sohn von König Karl II. von England und seiner Geliebten Lucía Walter , die dem König ins Exil folgten die Hinrichtung Karls I. von England.

  5. James Scott, hertog van Monmouth. James Scott , eerste hertog van Monmouth ( Rotterdam , Nederland , 9 april 1649 - Londen , Engeland , 15 juli 1685 ) , was de natuurlijke zoon van koning Karel II van Engeland en zijn minnares Lucía Walter die de koning volgde in de ballingschap na de executie van Karel I van Engeland .

  6. Jaime Scott, 1.º Duque de Monmouth KG PC, também conhecido como Jaime Crofts ou Jaime Fitzroy, era filho natural do rei Carlos II de Inglaterra e de sua amante Lúcia Walter que seguiu com rei ao exílio depois da execução de Carlos I.

  7. By the spring of 1663, James was married to a wealthy Scottish heiress and created Duke of Monmouth, among other honours and titles. After 1665, Monmouth enjoyed a prominent military career, serving in the navy under his Catholic uncle James, Duke of York (1633-1701) , and, in 1672, commanding the army that assisted Louis XIV (1638-1715) against the Dutch.