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  1. Welcome to r/askphilosophy! Please read our updated rules and guidelines before commenting.. As of July 1 2023, r/askphilosophy only allows answers from panelists, whether those answers are posted as top-level comments or replies to other comments.

  2. Welcome to r/askphilosophy! Please read our updated rules and guidelines before commenting.. As of July 1 2023, r/askphilosophy only allows answers from panelists, whether those answers are posted as top-level comments or replies to other comments.

  3. Hace 8 horas · So perhaps you're just a better person than your philosophy would warrant you to be. But if you still do have a moral concern about them, then according to your own Subjectivism, you're not being rational.

  4. Polyamory and other varieties of ethical nonmonogamy (collectively, ENM) are gaining recognition and popularity. Legally, however, there is virtually no legislation in first world countries which protects people in such arrangements, compared to the privileged status which monogamous marriage and, increasingly, monogamous non-married partnerships enjoy.

  5. What is you What makes you. Given recent changes to reddit's API policies which make moderation more difficult, r/askphilosophy now only allows answers and follow-up questions to OP from panelists, whether those answers are made as top level comments or as replies to other people's comments.

  6. This is oftentimes used with the goal of affecting the target's emotional/cognitive functioning to the point that the target is unable to perform their job effectively. I don’t know about actually being watched, but I have paranoia and think that people are spying on me sometimes. It’s very upsetting to me.

  7. Drip marketing probably start tomorrow, high chance we don't get new 4 stars so Wednesday and Thursday is drip marketing then livestream on Friday. June 4th, not a good date, that or something else. I'm scared. Dunno, maybe we're not getting any new characters next update and it's just reruns. It's something some people have been complaining ...