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  1. Hace 1 día · 2014. 23 de novembre: victòria per 7 a 0 davant el CD Montcada amb hat-trick de Diego Novo en només 18 minuts, superant en 3 minuts el que va aconseguir Rubén Soler en el darrer partit de la temporada 2000-2001. 2015. 1 de febrer: Àlex Gil firma tots els 4 gols davant la UA Horta en només 30 minuts. 17 de juny: Albert García, provinent de ...

  2. Hace 1 día · Temporada 2012-2013 de l'EC Granollers. L' Esport Club Granollers es converteix durant aquesta temporada en la primera entitat esportiva centenària de la capital del Vallès Oriental. Es commemoren, a més, els 50è i 25è aniversaris dels juvenils que van quedar campions de Catalunya. Després de l'ascens aconseguit a la darrera jornada del ...

  3. Hace 1 día · I don’t see French markings on them, plus the Germans finished building another dozen or so Wasps for the Luftwaffe… chances are Germany had more use of the Fokkers than the Dutch did… so why they shouldn’t be in the German tree but in the French tree is a weird stance. The phantom gets Li missiles, you’re behind on the news.

  4. Hace 1 día · This left Steele hanging over the city for several hours before eventually being taken prisoner by the Germans. After his capture, escape, and the close of the war, John Steele returned to his hometown of Metropolis [KY]. He later moved with his wife to North Carolina. On the 20th anniversary of D-Day, he returned to France and found he was ...

  5. Hace 1 día · The Army was recruiting on the beach for additional Rangers, but he declined. He was in the 80th Division, 3rd Army, and saw heavy combat until December when he was badly wounded by artillery. He was wounded right before the Battle of the Bulge, which he later thought might have actually been lucky. His favorite weapon was the M3 submachine gun ...

  6. › thread-364257-page-280 anniversary of d day

    Hace 1 día · 80 anniversary of d day. Guest. User ID: 246. lop guest. #16. 55 minutes ago. (1 hour ago)Guest Wrote: (1 hour ago)Guest Wrote: First objectives captured on June 6th, Pegasus bridge and the town of Benouville by glider troops of the 6th airlanding brigade. Their orders "hold until relived" by Lord Lovat and his commandos.

  7. Hace 1 día · Photo: Wikipedia The Ukrainians complain that on humid days the tank's electronics fail, meaning it cannot be used in combat. Each Abrams costs around $10 million out of the box.