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  1. Fioretta Gorini (1453/60 – possiblement 1478) va ser l'amant de Giuliano de' Medici i la probable mare de Giulio de' Medici, el futur papa Climent VII. Gorini era filla d'un professor, Antonio Gorini. [4]

  2. He was born illegitimately on 26 May 1478, in Florence; the exact identity of his mother remains unknown, although a plurality of scholars contend that it was Fioretta Gorini, the daughter of a professor, Antonio Gorini. Giulio spent the first seven years of life with his godfather, the architect Antonio da Sangallo the Elder.

  3. Fioretta Gorini was a citizen of the Republic of Florence and a mistress of Giuliano de Medici. In 1478, her lover was assassinated by the House of Pazzi, and she gave birth to an illegitimate son, the future Pope Clement VII, a month later.

  4. Innocentia Luxury and Designer Wedding Gowns.

  5. A bust of Fioretta Gorini, the widow of the assassinated Giuliano de' Medici, made by Andrea del Verrocchio. Who did Fioretta Gorini immortalize first: Leonardo da Vinci in the painting of her or his master, Andrea del Verrocchio, in the bust of her or were the representations of her made at the same time, around 1479/1480?museidelbargello в Instagram

  6. Clement VII was born on May 26, 1478, in Florence, which was then part of the Republic of Florence. His birth name was Giulio di Giuliano de’ Medici. The pope died on September 25, 1534. He was 56 when he passed away in Rome. Though there were rumors that he died after eating poisonous mushrooms, there is no evidence that this is true.

  7. Fioretta Gorini fue la esposa de Juliano de Médici y madre de Julio de Médici, el futuro papa Clemente VII.