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  1. Strontium-90 Decay Chain. As 90 Sr decays, it forms 90 Y or Yttrium-90 which has a half life of 64 hours. The 90 Y decay results into a stable substance called Zirconium (Zr). The β [Beta] particles radiated by 90 Y are of a high energy while those emitted by 90 Sr are of a moderate energy.

  2. 6 de ene. de 2017 · Strontium-90 is widely dispersed in the environment and the food chain from atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons in the 1950s and 1960s. Radioactive decay Radioactive decayThe process in which an unstable (radioactive) nucleus emits radiation and changes to a more stable isotope or element. is the only way of decreasing the amount of Sr-90 in the environment.

  3. Estroncio-90 es un isótopo de estroncio radiactivo producido por fisión nuclear, con un periodo de semidesintegración de 28,8 años. Sufre β - decaimiento en itrio-90, con una decaimiento de energía de 0.546 MeV. 2 El estroncio-90 tiene aplicaciones en la medicina y la industria y es un isótopo de preocupación en lluvia radiactiva de ...

  4. Sr-90 can be inhaled, but ingestion in food and water is the greatest health concern. Once in the body, Sr-90 acts like calcium and is readily incorporated into bones and teeth, where it can cause cancers of the bone, bone marrow, and soft tissues around the bone. Sr-90 decays to yttrium 90 (Y-90), which in turn decays by beta radiation so that ...

  5. A la suite des catastrophes nucléaires d’importantes quantités de radionucléides ont été rejetés dans l’environnement. Le Strontium 90 (90Sr) fait partie de ces rejets. Du fait de sa demi-vie de 29 ans, c’est un polluant persistant qui conduit à la contamination des populations vivant autour des territoires contaminés via l’ingestion chronique de faibles quantités de ce ...

  6. Strontium 90 Karte Bodenbelastung Deutschland und Europa. Wie schon angesprochen, ist die Aktivitätsbestimmung für dieses Nuklid aufwendig. Darüber hinaus wurde beim Reaktorunfall von Tschernobyl ein Großteil des flüchtigen Sr 90 Inventars in einer Zone von weniger als 100 km um den Reaktor deponiert.

  7. › wiki › StrontiumStrontium - Wikipedia

    Strontium-90 is a radioactive fission product produced by nuclear reactors used in nuclear power. It is a major component of high level radioactivity of nuclear waste and spent nuclear fuel . Its 29-year half life is short enough that its decay heat has been used to power arctic lighthouses, but long enough that it can take hundreds of years to decay to safe levels.