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  1. The Romanov family was canonized as passion bearers by the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000. Alexei is sometimes known to Russian legitimists as Alexei II after his ancestor Alexis of Russia , as until his death they do not recognize the abdication of his father in favor of his uncle Grand Duke Michael as lawful.

  2. Alexis Pétrovitch Romanov (28 février 1690 - 26 juin 1718) est le fils aîné du tsar Pierre I er de Russie et de sa première femme Eudoxie Lopoukhine. Jeunesse [ modifier | modifier le code ] Alexis vit ses premières années dans une atmosphère de monastère avec prières et conversations à voix basse.

  3. Alexis Petróvich Románov (1690-1718), casado con Carlota Cristina de Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, tuvo descendencia. Alejandro Petróvich Románov (1691-1692), murió joven. Pablo Petróvich Románov (1693) Enlaces externos. Wikimedia Commons alberga una categoría multimedia sobre Eudoxia Feodorovna.

  4. Alexis (born Feb. 18 [Feb. 28, New Style], 1690, Moscow, Russia—died June 26 [July 7], 1718, St. Petersburg) was the heir to the throne of Russia, who was accused of trying to overthrow his father, Peter I the Great. After his mother, Eudoxia, was forced to enter a convent (1698), Alexis was brought up by his aunts and, after 1702, was ...

  5. Tsarevich Alexis Petrovich was the first child and first son of Peter the Great and Eudoxia Lopukhina. He was born in Moscow on 18 February 1690 and baptised on 23 February 1690. His godparents were Patriarch Joachim and his great-aunt Tsarevna Tatyana Mikhailovna .

  6. Peter Petrovich (15 November 1715 – 19 April 1719) was a Russian Tsarevich and son of Emperor Peter I and Empress Catherine. Tsarevich Peter became heir to the Russian throne in February 1718 after the Emperor removed his eldest son, Alexis Petrovich, from the succession. The Tsarevich died in 1719 aged 3 before inheriting the throne.

  7. Eudoxia pertenecía a una secta rigorista, los viejos creyentes, por lo que se opuso a las reformas de su marido. Durante la supresión de los Streltsí en 1698, Pedro el Grande sospechó que su mujer participó en la conspiración y la desterró al monasterio de Súzdal en 1698, donde profesó con el nombre de Elena.La abadesa, sin embargo, le permitió llevar una vida como la mayoría de las ...